19. Feelings

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If people ask me what I wanted to do since I was young, I would first say police officer, then chef and finally after I went to my first play with my grandmother, music and signing would be my ultimate dream. My father was against the idea, but my mother finally convinced him that if I did extremely well at school then I could participate in the local theater. And that's where I met Mrs. Kim my savior, the woman that gave me my opportunity to pursuit my dream.

Also, if it wasn't for my mother to asked me to join the student council for their permission to keep doing theatre then I wouldn't have met him. Lee Donghun, my first love. The boy that brought so much bliss and light to my life, but that in the end also pain and heart ache.

"So what are you going to do?" Sehyoon asks as he drives me and Kwan back to our place. Jun's party went from crazy dancing, eating and drinking while we tell tales of our training years. I sence the coldness of the glass on my cheek as I lean my head on the window of the car, I watch a few cars driving along the road with us on this fun saturday night. We just left Sehyoon's house as he offered to drive us back, usually he is not this kind. The other nights where I have gone to his house to drink and we stayed up until 1 or 2 a.m. he is just kind enough to called me a cab but now he offered to drive us.

I look at the minty hair kid sleeping on the backseat, Sehyoon gave him his jacket to use to keep himself warm. The reason why Sehyoon is driving us back. Is him.

"He sure is a keeper" I say my voice can be barely heard since the music playing is a bit loud, he glances quickly to my side and just smirks.

"That's why he has a boyfriend" there's a hint of sadness in his reply, I just move my hand and start playing with his hair,"But..don't ignore my question Junhee, Hun knows I talk to you and he most likely will look for you in ARTS" I lean back on my seat, my hand still touching his bleach head. A sigh scapes my mouth

"He will be working on our C.E.O's radio show, or so I heard, seeing him will be inevitable..." I proceed to take my hand away and move my body completely to the side, trying to calm the feelings that surface with the idea of meeting once again with the person I have try look from afar, quietly.

He takes a final turn and we arrive to the building. I open the door of the car and then Kwan's. His sleeping face is so adorable, no wonder Sehyoon looks at him so fondly as he steps besides me to wake him up

"Hey....we are here" he says softly and Kwan barley open his eyes and just nods, Yoon takes his hand and we make our way to the apartment.

Once inside I turn on the lights only of the kitchen and Kwan just goes directly to lay on the sofa, Yoon's jacket still covering him.

"Is 4 a.m., and I will probably be having a massive hangover tomorrow" I whine, accepting Chan's challenge for shots of tequila will cost me big time. I make my way to the kitchen and turn on the coffee maker "want a cup?" My question goes for the man now seating on a chair in the kitchen. The only sound we hear is of the machine heating the water and mixing the grains of black coffee. I wouldn't be sleeping and didn't know if Sehyoon would be staying over.
Once my first cup is fill, I proceed to place another and once both cups are fill I place one in front of him. He smiles softly and grabs it, I take a sit besides him

"Kwan sent me a text message the other day, he said he just had come out of the shower to find a crying Jun, watching BEAT perform on a festival" Oh shit, he saw that?. "Jun, what is going on?" I try to avoid his eyes but I can't, once I look at him there is concern and curiosity now in them. They call him Wowdroid because he barely shows any emotions, but ever since we were kids in high school I can tell what's going on his mind. His eyes reflect every emotion his words can't.

ANYWHERE (2) // A.C.E DongJun & WowKwanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora