2. Idol

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~Let's begin the journey


Don't let go of my hand~

You and I~~~~

The drums continues playing a hard beat, the guitar accompanies me on the note and the bass keeps the rhythm alive. I finish my line on the song and hear the cheer from the crowd

Chan oppa
I lova yaaa~

And Chan on the  guitar closes our song. The audience keeps clapping and cheering. I feel the drops of sweat running down my face and my breathing is loud. I look to my right and see Chan waving and jumping along the crowd. To my left Minho copies Chan moves and dances to the ongoing drum solo from Yuto.


We end our song. 

Our private stage event where we play for a bit longer than two hours has come to the closing time, I grab my mic and try to control my breathing and proceed with our closing speech

"First of all THANK YOU EVERYONE.!!" I yelled at the crowd, "tonight we were nervous of the response of this our new album 'Autumn' but with every clap and cheer we gain so much positive energy and happiness. I love youuu.!!" I say and bow, some girls start cheering my name. I can't help but grin.

Yuto comes to the front and stands at the end, "As always our candy and everyone. Thank you. Let's meet again" he bows. Minho doesn't like speaking that much but manages to say a thank you and I love you. Giving the crowd a heart form by his arms.

Now our cute maknae grabs the mic and concludes, the crowd goes crazy even before he speaks, "Thank you, Thank you....as Donghun hyung said, we were nervous and in a sense lack confidence since this is our first self produce album but the feedback and love we have received has given us all the love and fighting spirit to give always our best...Let's continue walking on this happy road together... I love yaaaa!!" I grab my friend's hand and we bow down. We wave and exit the stage as the audience keeps clapping and happy cheering for us.

I take off my mic and grab a towel, as I make my way to the back room. I wipe off the sweat . Being originally a ballad singer, I was getting used to dancing, jumping and running all over the stage. Since for this songs we wanted to be louder and crazier.

"That was great" John says and then continues with his call, this man couldn't live away from his phone even if his life depended on it. Only his job depends on it.

"We were awesome, did you guys see when I threw my drum sticks in the air and caught them to continue playing" Yuto says as he opens a can of coke, this man can't live without his  soft drinks. Even if his diet depends on it. 

They start packing their stuff, instruments, gifts from the fan club and some snacks and we move to the back to head on back home.

My heart is still racing excitedly as the  image of the audience singing along our songs and yelling our names keeps replaying in my mind. It had being 2 years since our debut but still felt like a dream every time I step on the stage, like everything I thought it would be was just an illusion because living it now was so surreal. our company  is still small but surely with passion, love and dedication we will get to keep our dream going and be known. Or so I told the members this.  being the eldest I had to keep everyone on the positive boat.

But now I get to sing and perform songs that I wrote and we produce. I felt so proud and my heart is content with the work tonight.


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