17. Secret not Lie

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I am laying on his bed

I just came out of the shower and only a white towel is wrap on my waist.

My mind has gone blank since I am too tired, Yuto is at the moment flying back to Korea, Chan and Minho still packing back at the dorm and I promised John to comeback before 10 to the dorm to finish packing and doing the Instagram live to remind our fans of tomorrow's schedule

So I just wanted to scape for a few hours, to think of a way to bring Chan back to Seoul for the party, since I couldn't think straight with Chan looking at me as if I have given him my kidney or something. Without feeling guilty for promising something I wasn't sure I  could do.

Shit, I need to figure it out

Just then the bed moves and I sense another body lays besides me,

"When did you got home?" Sehyoon asks still wearing his usual clothes he wears at the university

I move my arm and let it rest on his stomach, I knew he hated skinship
But never complain or refuse my hugs. After all we have known each other for so long it just fet natural for us

"An hour ago, I took a shower and ate some food from your fridge...by the way you ran out of kimchi" and he rolls his eyes

"My mom made that" he pouts

"And it was delicious with rice" and he kicks my leg and I just laugh "I have a problem"

"Same" he says then getting up, and stands in front of his closet looking for what I believe an outfit to sleep with

"You go first" I suggest, since is rare to see him worry about something, he is still the same kid that likes to keep everything to himself "wait let me guess.....is this about that cute guy, Byeongkwan?" And he turns around a slight hint of shock on his eyes

"Get out"

"Oh come on, I got it right?!?! Ooooh  do tell me please" and I get up to stand next to him, he hands me a white t shirt and gray pants, which I gladly take since I am getting cold being naked and all

"He found the picture of me and mix nine, and has being asking non stop all week..." he sighs

"Wait, how?!" I know what this means for him, the whole mix nine event is something we are not allow to talk about. It was a dark time for him after the event of last year so knew that this guy wanting to bring the topic back made him anxious

"He discovered the picture on my shelf....the reason why I left the crew only few people know, but I don't really want to explain to him" he says and then moves to seat at the edge of his bed

"Because he is a stranger" I say now with clothes on

"....I don't want him to think what everyone back then thought of me" he says so softly and again I am surprise, its being so long since I last saw him care for someone, this way

"Is he that important?" And he doesn't say anything, "well just don't necessarily lie but you can tell him you got invited to the university and chose it because teaching in this university has being your life long dream" is easier for me to come up with an opinion for others, but not so much when it comes to thinking of a solution for my own worries

"That's still a lie"

And I move my legs butterfly style on his bed, "is the closest to an almost lie so he can stop mentioning it" and he nods, he will probably do it tomorrow at the surprise birthday party.

"Ok, now your turn" he says and I tell him everything about our schedule for tomorrow, Chan, Junyoung and Candy. "That's a big problem you got there.....well I am going to shower" and I pull him down to the bed

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