15. Happy

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I am coming back from grocery shopping, I got lucky and today we get a sunny day, the sky looks clear and has so many pretty shades of blue, I stop for a minute to appreciate them.  The weather in Korea was a bit extreme at times, one day we get icy rain and then we get warm lovely weather like today. My body needed more time to get use to this.

The plastic bags full of groceries are a bit heavy and I am struggling a bit, but decide to walk back these few blocks from the store to my place, a way to enjoy the weather a bit longer  but also to calm down my nerves. Because today I got invited by Sehyoon to go to a music festival down in Incheon.

I reach the building and take the elevator since I felt my hands go numb from the heavy weight, once I reach the apartment I just open door knowing my host never locks the door

"Yes. Who's there?" I hear Jay's voice from his tiny kitchen, once he turns around and sees me struggling with the bags, door and taking off my shoes he rushes to help me "Kwany, why didn't you call me to help?" He asks now taking all the bags from my hand and carrying them to the table

"Thank....it's fine they're not that heavy" once my feet are shoe free I put on my slippers and follow him to the kitchen "What are you cooking?" The sweet aroma of waffles and scrambled eggs reach my nose and feel my stomach growl

"Breakfast, go wash yourself and I'll set up the table" he smiles my way, a ray of sunlight hitting his make-up free face. I will always remind him that his bare face is still one of the most handsome faces I have ever seen, besides Sehyoon's of course. I make my way to my room and since it's already 1 p.m., yes since it's already Saturday and I don't have work today I woke up really late and Jay coming back from a trip did also, so breakfast at 1 is a fair time.

I look through my clothes but can't decide what to wear, What do people wear on these type of festivals?

"Trouble finding an outfit" Jay says with a smirk in his face

"I need a comfortable outfit but that also says I did try to look good" I keep scanning at my few pieces of clothes I  brought from Canada. I haven't really gone shopping since I knew I couldn't bring it back with me, luggage is expensive and I rather save that money. Jay turns around and walks away.

I just seat on my bed, for a reason I felt nervous and happy to be going to this event. I haven't really gone out much and the festival sounded like fun. Even more because I will be going with my new acquire friend, Sehyoon.

"Here" and some clothes are throw my way landing besides me on the bed, "Is the closest thing I could find to comfortable and pretty" Jay says smiling and I grab the outfit, we are almost the same height and built so he often lets me borrowed clothes when I ran out of clean ones

"You are the best hyung.!!"

"Now shower, the food is getting cold" and he leaves back to the kitchen since a waffle is making smoke already.


Once I finish showering, I dry my hair and style it a bit. I look at the bag of cosmetics I got as a gift from Youngjae but never actually had use them since my arrival, he would always nag me saying I should take care of my image better, which is a lie I do eat my vegetables and exercise, but I knew what he meant. My clothes and how I didn't try is always a thing he likes to nag and fight about, he wishes to see me wear a little foundation to hide my rare blemishes and wear the clothes he believes fit my style better.

But they don't.

"Kwany I started eating without you since you are taking too long" Jay sneaks his head inside the bathroom, " you look great...do you like them" he asks a bit of a worry in his eyes

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