34. Visit

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Jun wakes up to the sound of his cellphone, his ringtone is a song by BEAT so his heart sinks at the sound of his voice. He rubs his eyes, they're probably red and puffy from his crying. He extends his arm, and presses the green button. His back and neck ache since sleeping on the couch wasn't a great idea

"Mushi mushi", Junhee says to the speaker and hears the voice of Sehyoon on the other line

"Jun oppa, hey" he replies and Jun laughs at his answer, "by any chance is Byeongkwan awake?" He asks and Jun makes a puzzle face

"Why are you asking me that?" Jun laughs at this random question

"Well he lives with you and today we don't have classes at the studio" Sehyoon says and now Jun perceives a hint of worry and anxiety on his hyung's voice

"He left yesterday hyung, he said he'll go visit some people with you....wait I'll put you on hold" and Jun does that and dials a third line, his friend

The phone rings five times and then he finally picks up

"Jun oppa, hi" his voice sounds tired

"Hey Sehyoon just called me, where are you?" Byeongkwan wakes up immediately but can't seem to come up with a lie so he just tells the truth

"I'm sleeping on a hotel...I came to visit my parents, I plan on going today after breakfast" his voice shakes and Jun stops his thoughts about Donghun. Since his friend is obviously scare at this moment.

Jun knew about Byeongkwan's past. Some months ago they were drinking at home and Jun was talking about missing his parents and not being able to see them as often. When he asked Kwan, the blonde man started crying, so much it scared Jun, a lot.

He finally told him everything, and Jun kept holding both his hands as the other man kept telling him about the way his parents treated him and his final decision to ran away. Byeongkwan slept on Jun's arms that night as Jun kept petting his head.

"Byeongkwan send me your location, I'll go with you...Sehyoon too he's calling me I bet he's worry"

"Sorry hyung can't do that, I have to do this alone" Byeongkwan replies

"Can't you at least let Sehyoon know you're fine...." Jun commands his younger friend

"I'll text hyung, you don't have to worry...I'll be fine" Byeongkwan says, but the last words felt more like a question than a statement

"I love you kid, please keep me inform alright" Jun says his heart wanted nothing but to know his friend would finally reach his parents, and talk.

"I love you too honey....ok got to go" and he hung the call

Jun looks at his phone and notices Sehyoon has hang the call. He sighs, he dials the man and he picks up

"Hyung he's fine...he went to visit his parent's house" Jun reassures him and he agrees with a weird sound of mmm and ng

"He texted me just now to please don't look for him and that he'll be home tonight" he says his voice sounding a bit relax now that he knows his boyfriend is fine.

"Wait look for him? You know where he is at?" Junhee says and again Sehyoon makes that agreeing sound

"Yes, we met his parents some time ago and I got their address" he says and Jun gets up from the couch and goes to his room, "hyung I'll explain, but I need you to come over as soon as possible"

"Ok" and they hung the call, he takes a quick shower and changes into a hoodie and washout jeans. He's eating his cereal when he hears the doorbell ring. Sehyoon came quicker than expected.

ANYWHERE (2) // A.C.E DongJun & WowKwanWhere stories live. Discover now