21. A New Approach

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Sehyoon kept hugging Jun as the boy with the now messy  black hair said everything of the events of today. 

He met Jun when coming back from the convenience store, and saw his friend being drop off in front of his building, he quickly rush over to greet him. He was about to make a joke of Junhee paying for the snacks as unofficial host of tonight's party
but was surprised to find a defeated and tired Jun not the usual upbeat, silly person, Sehyoon was so use to by now. They didn't talk much on their way to the elevator or when they finally reach Jun's apartment door.

Now both sat on his bed. Sehyoon of five years ago would have taken his hand and ask for him to choose him instead and say that he would take care of his heart, but right now those feelings were gone and had being replace with a sweet innocent love. The kind of love you feel for a younger brother.

"He said I missed you..." Jun's voice shakes a little after he repeats the words from Donghun, "I...I couldn't reply anything and just left" there's a pause of silence then he finally gets up and starts to browse for some comfortable clothes to sleep in.

" And that was before or after you said Don't ever talk to me ever again..?" Yoon asks as he lays on Jun's bed, his stare on the ceiling, frustrated of the whole situation. He had being a close friend to both, so he has seen that spark and devotion, of the obvious feelings they both share whenever they talk of one another. He wanted to help his idiot friends to meet half way. But it would be a little harder than what he thought if Jun and Donghun kept being cautions of their feelings.

"Yeah...when you say it that way it makes me look terrible" Jun whines and then goes to the bathroom in his room in order to take a quick shower. Just then Kwan knocks softly on the door

"....sweetie?" He softly calls, Sehyoon's heart for a moment skips a beat, but he quickly shakes the idea away

Right, that's for Jun not me....

He smiles to himself

"Come in Kwanni" he says and the already faded minty hair boy walks inside, a little surprised of not seeing his friend, "He's in the shower" Sehyoon points out and Byeongkwan just nods and walks inside. Two cups of a hot beverage in his hands, that he quickly leaves on the shelf besides Jun's bed

"I made hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows I found on Eunsuh's snack bag she brought" he says in a cheerful tone, "one is for you...." and Sehyoon gets up and gladly grabs one of the white cups, the sugary scent touching his nose. He sits on the bed and proceeds to drink, Byeongkwan moves to seat besides him. There's a moment where the only sound that can be heard is the one made by Sehyoon drinking the hot beverage and the tapping sound of Kwan typing on his cellphone

"Is everything alright with you?" Sehyoon raises one eyebrow with a puzzle look on his face, caused by the sight of seen the always hyper and cheerful man typing with an angry and frustrated look on his face

Kwan stops typing and leans backwards, Yoon places the cup on the floor and copies him. Both now laying next to one another on the bed, Yoon moves sideways so he can see the lovely boy next to him,  "I'm in the middle of a fight with my long distance boyfriend" Kwan moves one arm and covers his eyes trying to hide his sorrow eyes from the man next to him

Everyone having love drama, and I am just worry that my sister won't eat my Pringles

Sehyoon thinks.

And his hand naturally move from his side and grab the arm on Kwan's side and they lay this way. Sehyoon holding his hand. He notices the tainted eyes, ready to drop tears from Byeongkwan's eyes.

ANYWHERE (2) // A.C.E DongJun & WowKwanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora