12. Record

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Whenever we had a small fight or argued about something, he was always the type to keep a cool head, and never whine or yelled. Me being the type of boy that liked drama always tried to win the argument. But he knew exactly how to get me, because when ever I would be obstinate he would just walk away not trying to make the fight even bigger.

I would just chase after him, and quietly walk besides him. Once our heads cooled down, I talked first.

I hated that I always wanted to feel spoil and love by him, even if he was younger than me. And he always did, giving in to my silly requests after one of our unusual fights.

He was the type of boy to just asked or tell you how he felt, without a sence of doubt. Something I lacked, even now.

"Junhee, won't you ever get tired of me or bored?" I said one night while laying on his small bed, with just enough space for us,  his head resting on my bare chest. His head slowly moving to the rhythm of my breathing, my arm pulling him closer.

"Love...please never ask something like that again" he replied, his body shifted and moved up a little until his eyes met mine, there was a frown painted on his pretty face. I didn't said anything and just pulled him even closer, kissing him so deeply, he was on top of my body, ready to forget our silly fight or my sulky words.

"We are here" I hear my manager say, pulling me out of my trip to memory lane.I look outside and see the weather is gloomy and cold. The gray clouds already giving a full warning of morning rain. I open the door of the van and start to stretch my legs as I feel the ground on my feet.

My friends get off, doing the same as me. The small friendly family restaurant where we parked looks quiet, through the windows I see a few tables had being occupied

"Let's go hyung" Chan grabs my hand and we walk in the restaurant holding hands. Our manager seats in front with Minho and Yuto, my little brother is seating besides me resting his head on my shoulder as our manager orders for us

"So we all know why we are having breakfast together this early in the morning?" Our manager John asks, we all look around still not knowing what to expect

"So I will make three announcement..." just then the waitress brings our food and John's attention goes completely to the ramen in front of him

"John" Yuto calls him and John takes a quick bite of his food before continuing

"....right, so first Donghun has being invited to a local radio show to host a program call 'Indie Night' where they play a lot music from indie or alternative artist..." he takes another bite

"Are you serious??" I ask in shock. A HOST.!! I feel so happy I start to clap along my friends

"Yup, we got the invite from the station that is owned by ARTS. It's a live stream and is really popular station on the night schedule" I am overjoyed this is a great opportunity to promote BEAT and also, I have always wanted to try being a host, "You will show up tomorrow for a class session on the basics...ok now the second announcement" he then takes another bite and  we do the same. I am still overwhelmed with my new activity.

What if I screw up?!?! NO.

positive mind.
Positive thinking

", the C.E.O listened to the demo of the song you guys wrote and composed....and he agreed to use it as the digital single" his eyes goes around us and we all stand up and start to cheer

We have being using a lot of self written songs, that we were expecting this, but still felt good to know the important heads of the company like what we created. We all move to give a group hug.

ANYWHERE (2) // A.C.E DongJun & WowKwanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang