4. Jason

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The place my friends chose to come and celebrate our win on the national dance festival is pretty decent. There are so many colorful pretty lights and the atmosphere is bright and happy. We all order our drinks and seat close to the bar, the waiter looks a bit flustered since taking the order of 12 people at the same time can be a little too much even if the cute girl is use to this. I convince 6 of us to just order a bucket of beer cans and they agreed. The girl quietly whispers Thank you my way as she finishes writing down the order on her small notepad

"Wait Jason, where is Youngjae?" One of my teammates, Chris, asks me as he seats down grabbing some chips from the red basket on the middle of the table, I shrug

"He is..." I look around the bar and then spot him making his way to us, "He is here" and I make a tiny room for Youngjae to seat next to me

"Hey..."and he kisses my cheek " did you order already?" I nod and point at the item on the menu

"Wait beer...you know I don't drink beer...."he rolls his eyes and stands up to walk back to the bar to order. I missed again

The waiter comes back and places our bucket on the middle and 2 other waiters give the drinks to the others. Today we get to break our no alcohol policy since we were celebrating. Winning the festival in Toronto felt like a huge accomplishment for our academy and career. I look at the people here and feel my heart beat with happiness but at the same time nostalgia

Since it will be my last festival with the team. And in Canada. At least for some time.

"So when at you flying back to Korea?" Chelsea asks as she takes a sip of her neon yellow drink

"I am still waiting for confirmation from a friend whose helping me find a place to stay and apparently a job also" I say and start playing with my fingers. Just the thought of leaving my old life behind once again is terrifying

"You are coming back right? This is temporally?" Carlos now asks and is now hugging our pretty leader Sam

"Yes...yes....just for 3 months and I will be back" but I am even doubting my words since I wasn't sure how long I will be gone.

I feel a body seat next to me and turn to see my boyfriend happily drinking his whiskey, "So how did you guys feel about our team receiving first place?" And we all starts talking at the same time, the excitement, happiness and all the rush of everything. We had work so hard for this and now we might be getting calls from other events, more views on our videos, more people reaching out for us.

I mean them.

After all I am about to leave them.

I open another can of beer and just try to keep in heart this moment. So no I am not getting drunk or else I will ruin the moment.

"I think I am getting drunk" I whine and feel my cheeks get warm " I told you...Don't let me get drunk!" I lightly punch Youngjae's chest

"Ok" and he takes my fifth can of beer away from my hand

"Don't look at me like that...!!" I say and just then a song by seventeen starts playing

"OHHH CLAP CLAP" I say and the whole tables copies me and we all clap along our favorite kpop group

"Hey calm down" Youngjae says and grabs my hands "why don't you go to the bathroom and clean up a little" I give him a cold stare and just continue singing pulling my hands free

"I didn't know they played kpop here" Sam says

"I know right" Henry says and now stands up pulling a girl up and now we are all dacing the song together not fully but just the key parts since the place didn't give us a lot of space to freely dance

ANYWHERE (2) // A.C.E DongJun & WowKwanWhere stories live. Discover now