9. Brother

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Snowy village, it's a pretty name for a cafeteria. The giant  snow flake attach to the ceiling, lightning the counter gives it a warm fantasy image. I am working at the counter, since I have experience working as a barista from a previous job on Toronto, back in my old hometown.

"Thank you for coming" I say good bye to the last customer of the night, being already midnight is time to close the café. There are two other people working with me that are already cleaning up the kitchen. I move and starts to clean up the tables, when I hear the door open, "Sorry, we are close" I say and see three people walking inside. Eunsuh, Mr. Kim and my roomie, Jay.


I don't notice I have being standing there with a shock look in my face until one of my co-workers point it out

"Close you mouth boy" and I do

I wave and make my way to them awkwardly, "why are you guys here...Sehyoon?" All three smile and soon Jay raises a paper bag in front of my face

"We brought dakgangjeong and spicy chicken" he looks delighted and I start jumping up and down cheerfully. The fried chicken in Korea is something I will miss the most once I move back to Canada.  My happy thoughts of food are cut off when I see my co-workers, that are also dating, grab their jackets ready to leave

"Wait...don't you want to eat, we bought a lot" Sehyoon says but they decline after all it seem that they have plans already. Oh man, yay for chicken but I have to close the cafe again, sucks

"Ok let's eat here then" and so we settle on one of the tables close to the window. The aroma coming from the chicken makes me forget everything, I serve them a cup of coke and we proceed to eat

WAIT WHY IS SEHYOON HERE??!  Did I forget something at school?

I put my drumstick down on the small white plate,

"So Sehyoon, why are you here?" I ask not wanting to sound rude but didn't know in what other way to say it

"....I came to your house...I'm sorry boy you were fired" he says and I swallow hard. My heart starts racing hard and I lost my appetite. My mind goes blank and my sight goes to the ground....just then I hear someone laughing. Is Sehyoon.

"Oh my god sorry Kwany, I just had to use that prank at least once"

Kwany???...he called me by a cute name

"Just ignore my brother his type of pranks are lame" Eunsuh says and Jay just nods both keep eating their food


Now my head is dizzy.

"'...wait so I am not fired and you're my unnie's brother?" I barely manage to ask

He grabs another drumstick and replies, "no and yes" I look at Eunsuh and she smiles my way

"I didn't want to tell you or else you will believe I somehow helped you get the job with the influence of my older brother" she says and I can't deny that it would look too suspicious that I got the internship working alongside my best friend's brother

"Don't over think it, I picked you because you speak perfect Korean" Sehyoon says and Jay now speak

"Wowssi is so bad at english he even cried when he found out he was traveling overseas with his former company"  Eunsuh and he laugh at the same time.


"My old stage name" he says "so I went to your place with my sister to have dinner together...since she insisted of wanting to see you" I noticed he changes the topic but I don't ask again. I am just happy of sharing delicious food with these group of people

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