Chapter 25

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This chapter will be short as this is separated into two parts before the Epilogue 

Overall POV

Two months later

It has been very busy the last couple of months for everyone, especially for Ace and Zain as they were planning for their wedding and getting ready for their first Christmas together. Also in that time Zain's pregnancy had been taking the toll on him especially as he was getting more tired and eating weird things like peanut butter on pickles with chocolate spread he also had been having occasionally bad mood swings not as nearly as bad as some pregnant woman he had met when he had to meet the doctor his Mom had previously recommended in her letter.

Zain's bump started to show more at the end of November so he started to do online course so he could finish and graduate with Nate.

A couple of weeks before Christmas Ace's grandparents flew over to spend Christmas with them and also be here for the wedding which made Ace and Zain happy that they were with them.

A week before the wedding Zain, Mama, Nate and Sin all went out to finish Christmas shopping whilst AJ stayed with Ace and Papa.

Zain wanted to Buy Ace's present which was a canvas of the photo Jake took of Zain, Ace and AJ wearing the same suits the night they went out with Nate and Fabiano. He then got it framed with a plaque on it saying "The Machi Family." Once it was ready Zain had it wrapped before picking it up.

After about 3 hours of shopping they went somewhere for lunch before going back home.

The next few days flew by with the preparations for Christmas dinner and also the final preparations for the wedding which was the day after.

Christmas day came and everyone loved their presents especially Ace who had tears in his eyes when he open his present from Zain. He had great pleasure in putting the photo above the fireplace in the sitting room.

Later on that day.....

Once everyone had finished their dinner and it was all tidied away. Ace left to stay on the ship with Jake, Sin and a couple of others, whilst Zain, Nate, Mama, Papa and AJ all stayed at the house. They decided to watched a movie before going to bed Zain quickly texted Ace

Z: "Can't wait for tomorrow for you to finally be my husband. I love you so much Ace Machi."

A: "I can't wait to officially call you mine. I love you so much Angel."

Z: "I know you do, good night Acey see you down the aisle XXX"

A: "Night Angel see you tomorrow."

Falling for The Mafia (Book 1 of the Mafia Series) Re Written Dec 2018Where stories live. Discover now