Chapter 10

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WARNING: This chapter contains a lot of swearing, sexual context please DO NOT read if under 18 or you do not like these kind of stories

Overall POV

The next day

When Ace woke up Zain wasn't in bed .The first thing he did was reach for his gun under the pillow and pulled on his pants. He was about to exit the room when he heard Zain's sweet laughter outside. He went over to the balcony and looked down to see Zain and Papa in the garden planting flowers in the flower bed near the back door. Ace was more relaxed know that his Angel was safe and enjoying himself so he decided to go into the shower and get ready for the day as he had meetings to attend to.

After getting dressed Ace went down stairs and found everyone the kitchen having breakfast. He kissed Zain on the forehead before sitting next to him and Sin. "I was worried Angel when I first got up and did not see you."

"Sorry Ace I woke up early and decided to get ready and come downstairs after hearing Mama and Papa getting up. I helped Papa plant some flowers before coming in for breakfast."

After breakfast both Ace and Sin had meetings to go to so Zain decided to stay at the house and help Mama with preparing for lunch and helping round the house.


Though I wanted to spend time with Zain I am glad he did not come to these meeting as it got a little tense as one of the suppliers I met up with was an ex and to be honest he is an arrogant arse luckily I told Zain the truth about my previous relationships also about Carlos as I don't want to keep anything from him.

Thank god Sin was with me at these meetings because I wanted to kill the idiots lucky for them they had the money they owed me and the merchandise if you know what I mean.

After three hours of sorting everything out I finally got back to the house had lunch with my family. Once finished with with eating I took my angel upstairs as I needed him.

So once we got into our bedroom we both stripped I walked him to the bed and told him to get on his hand and knees in the middle of the bed. He told me to be as rough as I wanted so true to my word I got him stretch using three of my fingers I then put lube on my very hard and leaky shaft and rammed it in his stretched hole I kept hammering him until I felt my balls tightened I grabbed is length at the same time and after two more times we both exploded him in my hand and me deep in his hole.

We did it twice more  in different positions and finally we fell asleep with me in him on our sides.

The next morning

Overall POV

Zain woke up very sore the next morning with Ace still in him as he moved to get up to use the bathroom he could feel Ace's length twitching in him so he decided the bathroom could wait and he started to move back and forward riding Ace length whilst still on their side all the sudden Zain was grabbed around his waist and Ace moved them so that Ace was on his back and Zain was riding him properly with his back facing him.

Ace grabbed Zain's length and pumped it whilst Zain kept bouncing on his very hard cock he could feel his balls tighten and he could feel Zain's also tighten all Zain could do was shout "fuck yes" after three more bounces they both cum together with Zain shooting his cum not just in Ace's hand but also over their legs and the bed whilst Ace shot a huge load in Zain's hole.

After coming down from both of their highs Zain collapse back onto Ace's chest and their eyes both closed.

They spent the rest of the day in bed as they both were warned out only got up for dinner. Ace and Sin had to pop out for a couple of hours so Zain stayed with Ace's grandparents and watched a move curled up in the lounge.

As the film finished Ace and Sin came back they stayed up for a while but needed to go to bed as they were going back home in the morning.

Before going to bed they packed their clothes up and left out what they needed in the morning then they had a quick bath together which ended up them making out and blowing each other. Once finished in the bath they got dried and went into bed.

Falling for The Mafia (Book 1 of the Mafia Series) Re Written Dec 2018Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt