Chapter 8

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WARNING: This chapter has sexual context so please be advised

Zain's POV

It has been a few days since my date with Ace and he has been busy with work and doing other Mafia related work. I decided to go for a walk round the garden as it was a beautiful day. Before going downstairs I grabbed my mobile phone and noticed there were a few texts from Danni-D, asking if I was busy or what I am up to. I just replied relaxing around the house. I had a gut feeling something not right with this guy I should really tell Ace about these texts but truth is I don't want to upset Ace again.

As I was walking around the back I could hear Jake and Ace taking about shipments going missing and the men being ambushed and shot at but what shock me was Jake saying stuff about an ex of Ace's and how the ex thinks that I am a rebound and that Ace does not really care for me.

At that point I was so angry I ran back upstairs got my wallet and car keys. I ran back down stairs and into the garage to get my car. Once in the car I Bluetooth my phone to the car and turned up the music and started to drive down the driveway to be stopped by Ace

"Where the hell are you going." Ace said with his arms crossed

"Non of you business now leave me alone."

"Angel what's wrong."

"I was outside and I heard you and Jake talking so am I a rebound?"

But before I could let Ace answer I drove away missing him about an inch as I had to go round him because he would not move.

I drove for about an hour then decided to pull in to a diner to have some breakfast; by the time I had ordered my food I had 10 missed calls from Jake and Ace and about 20 messages asking me where I was? I just ignored them and quietly finished eating my breakfast. I then decided I would go to the cinemas and watch Avengers: Infinity War which I have to say was a little weird but still enjoyable. After that I decided I better go back and face the music.

As I went to park the car in the garage Ace was standing outside waiting for me. He walked over to me and took me into his arms and whispered "You are not a rebound I love you Zain I have never had feeling for anyone like this. My ex is a complete bitch she use to work for me but got greedy so I had to let her go. Yes we were together for a while but it was never love because I knew that I would have you soon and I did not want anyone else. I am so sorry."

I looked into Ace's eyes and could see sadness and hurt in them.

"I am sorry I left without letting you explain but I needed time to think and be alone. I am sorry if I made you and Jake worry but I am ok now."

We cuddled for a little longer then Ace took me to the dining room for dinner we continued talking about his ex who was called Danni and that when she left she took a few men with her also some information which she is using against the family at the moment also that she is the one behind the attacks.

After we had finished eating Ace took me to the play room as he thought I could do with being punished as I left without a word and also did not let him explain.

He told me to strip and kneel on the bed so I did what he said as he went to one of the drawers and came back with a cock ring which he placed on my now leaking hard-on. Once he did that he made sure I was facing him as he stood in front of me and pulled his trousers and boxers down. "Suck" he firmly said. So I did I was licking his tip then putting my wet mouth round it and pumping it in and out. I could feel his balls tighten he then pulled out my mouth flipped me over before going to the bedside cabinet to get a bottle of lube he put some on his fingers and started to stretch my hole. "Angel I really want you right now but if you're not ready tell me and I will stop right now."

"I am so fucking ready for you right now please Acey fuck me."

Sure enough he entered me in one go and stayed still until I told him I was ready for him to move. As soon as I told him I was ready he was pounding my arse so hard he kept hitting my prostate my dick was hurting because of the cock ring I so wanted to come. I begged Ace to take the ring of several times but he did not take it off until I could feel his dick pulsing with that he grabbed my dick and took the ring of so not only did I cum but so did he in my hole. Once we had finished and got our breath back Ace turned us around so my back was against his chest and we laid on our sides spooning with him still firmly inside me.

Before I closed my eyes I whispered "thank you Acey for making me happy I love you so much." I quickly turned my head and kissed Ace "I love you to Angel." Ace said before I turned my head and closed my eyes......

Falling for The Mafia (Book 1 of the Mafia Series) Re Written Dec 2018Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon