Chapter 15

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Zain's POV

After I had changed into something comfortable and had got everything I needed. I went back downstairs to join Ace in the lounge. He had told everyone not to disturb us for the rest of the afternoon.

As I entered the seating area of the lounge where Ace had sat on the love seat near the window. I decided to sit on the floor facing him as I need to be face to face with him whilst telling him everything. I took I big gulp and started.

"Ace I am going to tell you some stuff which I have kept from you. The only people that know everything is my mom my dad also Nate know some but not everything. My dad started to abuse me after my mom left because he blamed me for her leaving. He use to not only hit me but use his belt hence the scars on my back he even tried to rape me but passed out before he could. The truth is my mom left because she felt guilty for what happened to me when I was 12."

At that point I need to stop and get myself a glass of water. Once I took a sip I was just about to continue but Ace asked what happened when I was 12 so I continued.

"Ace what I am about to tell you is bad so I will understand if you want me to leave once I finished." I took a deep breath before continuing at that point Ace held both of my hands in his. "I had just turned twelve and my dad's brother stayed with us for a few months. Both my dad and my uncle both were heavy drinkers so they both use to go out come back drunk. Dad had a bad temper and use to take it out on my mom whilst my uncle did the same but to me. One night though it was different my uncle decided to strip my clothes off and ram himself into me without any warning ripping my hole and once finished abusing me he left me bleeding on the bed my mom tried so hard to get in the room to stop him as she heard my screams but my dad grabbed and hurt her so bad. My uncle left the next day by that time mom had woken up after being knocked out.

A few weeks after that I started to be ill and was I vomiting a lot also feeling tired all the time but I carried on. I tried to block out everything from that night and things that happened soon after. That was until I read the letter my mom left me to read when I was 18 but I only had chance to read it last week because of everything that happened."

At that point I shakily gave Ace the letter to read. I tried so hard to hold in my tears but I couldn't.


As I started to read the letter, I could not believe the contents

Dear Zain

If you are reading this letter that means you have turned 18. I am sorry I left you but I had no choice your dad told me either to leave without you or he would hurt you. So I had no choice but to leave, but before I go there is things I need to tell you. First of all what happened to you when you were 12 was not your fault. I am so sorry I could not stop your uncle from hurting you but your dad would not let me. I don't know if you remember what happened after that day, but I am going to tell you.

Do you remember when you told me that you had a dream about me holding a newborn baby in a blue blanket and that it was your baby and you had given birth in the hospital. Well Zain it was not a dream you see that baby was your son. You are probably scrunching your face up reading this letter thinking I have gone mad but I assure you I haven't gone mad. I left everything you need to know in a safe deposit box in a bank all details are enclosed with the key needed to open it. Also enclosed I the bank details I left for you and your son. Each account has fifty thousand dollars in it which was left by my parents when they died. Also in the deposit box has the original birth certificate of your son who you named Alexandre Juan he was born February 17th 2013. Your dad decided to sell him to a Spanish couple so he could have money towards his club. Also you need to know that you can carry more children in the future if you decide to. If you need further information about your condition you need to speak to a specialist named Dr Zinaburg who will help you. Again everything you need is in the box.

Your father knows nothing about anything mentioned in this letter regarding the money and deposit box.I hope you will one day meet someone that makes you happy and will accept you as theirs because you deserve the best. I hope you can find your son and have a happy ending

Love always


I looked at all the paperwork I could not believe it. I was speechless all I could do was look at Zain who now had tears falling down his cheeks. I wiped them away and whispered "We will find our son and bring him home where he belongs so we can be a family. I also promise I will make you Dad and Uncle pay."

"Thank you Ace I am so sorry I kept everything from you I hope you can forgive me and know I love you so much."

"You have nothing to apologise for you did not do anything wrong. I love you more than anything but I need to know something. Is there a chance you could be carrying our child?"

"To be honest Ace I am not sure. I brought a test but have not had chance to take it so I plan to take it tomorrow after school. I think I could be I do have symptoms of being pregnant but not certain."

"Ok if the test shows you are then I will make an appointment with our doctor ok. I know you are tired but you need to have something to eat before you go to bed."

After we had eaten I took Zain up to our room as he was struggling to stay awake I helped him undress and to get into bed. Once he settled I needed to speak to Jake about finding Zain's Dad and Uncle so they could be disposed off. 

Falling for The Mafia (Book 1 of the Mafia Series) Re Written Dec 2018Where stories live. Discover now