Chapter 24

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Zain's POV

It was now evening and I had just woken up from my nap with AJ to find it was just me in the bed and AJ nowhere in sight. At that point the bathroom door had opened and out came AJ and Ace both wrapped in towels and water dripping down from their wet hair. "Hi angel, I will get AJ dressed if you go and have a shower as it is just gone 5.30pm and we need to leave in about 45 minutes to pick up Nate and Fabiano from their place."

"Ok I won't be long, meet you downstairs when I am ready." I said as I got up and went to the closet to get the clothes out ready for me to wear. I then put them on the bed before going to the bathroom and having a quick shower.

Once I was ready I went downstairs to find Ace and AJ at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for me. They were both wearing the identical of what I was wearing which was a black suit I was wearing a black shirt with a red tie and they both wore a red shirt with a black tie. I looked at them both and said with a sob "You both look so handsome and I just wanted to say I love you both so much, than you for making me happy again."

"We love you to daddy and you look very pretty." AJ said as he ran up to me with open arms. Ace also came over and joined in with a group hug and whispered "You make us happy to Angel and we both love you so much I also agree with AJ you do look pretty Angel." He looked at me with a cheekily grin before winking at me. At that point Jake came into the hallway to take a picture as I had previously asked him so I could work on a surprise for Ace's Christmas present.

Once I had grabbed my wallet and phone we got into the black SUV which Jake had parked out the front before he went off into another car as he was going to the ship to see Sin before we got there.

As we were driving I notice Ace knew where was going and did not ask for direction I thought it was strange but did not say anything as I thought Ace probably did a background check on Nate and Fabiano before tonight as he is very protective of me and our family.

As we pulled out Nate's house I got into the back so I could sit with Nate and AJ. As Nate and Fabiano go into the car they both greeted Ace with a stern "Hi Boss." I looked between the three of them before covering AJ ears with my hands and angrily said "What the fuck is going on? How do you know each other?"

"Angel we will tell you everything over dinner I promise."

Overall POV

Once they had arrived at the restaurant Zain got out of the car and grabbed AJ and marched ahead he was greeted by Sin who showed him to their usual table.

Once the others had arrived and seated Ace asked what everyone wanted to drink. Ace was about to order Zain's drink but he put his hand up to tell Ace no. Zain looked at Sin and said "I will have a glass of White Zinfandel and AJ will have an apple juice please Sin."

"Zain you can......" Ace started to say but was stopped by an agitated Zain "Ace stop telling me what I can and cannot do, yes I am pregnant but it does not mean I cannot have a glass of wine."

"Fine." Ace abruptly answered.

Once their drinks had arrived and their food orders were taken Ace started to explain to Zain how they knew each other. He explained both of Nate's parents worked for him his mom was the accountant for his legal businesses and his dad dealt with the shipments and the orders also worked with Fabiano to get more business. As for Nate he was the one tracked down Danni's boyfriend/ Zain's uncle. Ace explained the Nate mainly worked in the electronic side of the business but did sometimes go out with his dad to deal with the shipments. He explained that he had grown up with Fabiano in Mexico and when he left Mexico Fabiano still worked for Ace but eventually came to the US and now is mainly here. Nate had explained that him and Fabiano only recently came an item but had feeling for each other for a few years.

Ace reassured Zain that until he started talking about Nate he did not know they knew each other properly but when he did eventually find out Nate kept him updated about what was going on at school hence why he knew about today. Though Zain had been upset about them knowing each other at the beginning of the evening is was now ok. He made them promise him not to keep secrets or lie to him again.

Once that conversation had finished they started to discuss the wedding by that point Zain had asked both Sin and Jake to join them so they could carry on their discussion. Both Ace and Zain decided they would get married on December 26th day after Christmas day as Zain would still not be showing a lot. AJ asked if he was going to be part of the wedding and Zain reassured him that he was and that he had the big job of carrying his and Ace's rings down the aisle. Ace also said that his grandparents were going to come and that his granddad (Papa Pepe) was going to walk Zain down the aisle as Zain asked previously. As they continued talking back and forth to each other, Ace gently kissed Zain on the side of his head whilst stroking Zain's slightly firm stomach. 

Falling for The Mafia (Book 1 of the Mafia Series) Re Written Dec 2018Where stories live. Discover now