Pumped (Au!Jean Kirstein x Oc)

Start from the beginning

He shrugs, "Uh... nothing really."

"Oh, wasn't there something you were yelling at me for earlier or whatever? I'm sorry for not stopping but I tend to get trampled in the hallways on Fridays so I figured you'd just tell me second period."

"Well... I... uh-I forgot. Sorry."

Erin shrugs her shoulders, "It's alright, I'm sure you'll remember later."

The last bell rings and class starts. Jean takes his seat behind Erin dejected. He really wanted to ask if she would go to the game to cheer him on but hearing her say that she hated basketball made him think twice. Still he wished she would go.

About twenty minutes into class he feels a smack on the back of his head. Turning around he sees Marco there grinning like a cat. He points to Erin and bats his eyelashes at Jean in a teasing way before tossing him a note. Jean snatches it out of the air with practiced ease. 

Just ask her already. The worst she can do is say no -Marco.

Jean scribbles down his reply and tosses it back over his shoulder without even looking. A few seconds later the note is back on his desk.

So? That doesn't mean she won't go out and support you. Come on it's almost common knowledge that she likes you.-Marco

Once again Jean sends it back and receives it in almost the same amount of time.

Jean come on, you have nothing to lose and you know that you like her. I don't want to see you mope around all day until the game starts.-Marco

Jean doesn't reply back and instead watches the rest of the teacher's lesson. Soon enough it would be sixth period and then the basketball team would be called out to get warmed up and ready. All he had to do was hope the day passed by quickly until then.


"Ugh I hate this school on Fridays!" Erin yells as she slams her backpack down at the steps of the library as she's once again shoved out of the way. 

Already it was lunchtime and Erin was pretty sure that her modest lunch was already crunched into a thousand pieces. Settling on the steps she takes a bite out of her now flat-bread sandwich before getting a bunch of texts from her friends basically all telling her the same thing; they can't make it to lunch for various reasons. 

Shrugging Erin tosses her phone down and focuses on eating the salvagable remains of her lunch. It's not long though before she's visited by a familiar brunette. "Hello Marco, what can I do for you?"

Marco smiles at her warm greeting, it wasn't hard to see why his best friend fell for her, "Hey Erin, I have a question."

"Okay, shoot."

"Well..." He stoops down close to her, his arms locked around his crouching form, "Okay you didn't hear this from me but Jean likes you."

Erin almost drops her sandwich in shock but manages to keep hold of it, "Uh... okay..."

"So he's too chicken to ask you to cheer for him at the game tonight. Would you perhaps mind showing up to cheer him on? Knowing you're there will definitely make him play harder." He's giving that damned puppy-dog look now.

Erin looks away to avoid completely giving in. How was it that he could do that better than her? "I... I don't know Marco. I don't really like basketball..."

"Please? Do it for Jean."

"Ugh fine! J-just don't give me that look anymore and don't tell Jean about my crush on him you little blackmailer."

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