Help Me (Apollo x Abused! Reader)

Start from the beginning

I only nodded. We drove down to the police station with the vibrations from my phone being the only noise. Once we got there, Apollo helped me inside because I was shaking like a leaf. My phone was silent now. He sat me down in a chair before going up to the desk with my phone. I watched them talk and watched as Apollo showed the officer the texts. Then, the officer did something I couldn't believe. He rolled his eyes, turned off my phone, and handed it back to Apollo, "Look kid, you can't prove he sent those messages, can you? Just go home." I put my head in my hands.

Apollo approached me and helped me up. We went back to the car. I closed my eyes and dozed off to the sound of the engine. I woke up in a room that I didn't recognize. I was at Apollo's apartment. I heard the door click and it opened. Apollo came in, "Oh! You're awake." I went to answer him, when my phone buzzed. I turned my phone on and checked everything. I had 6 unread messages. I opened them shakily.

Matt: I went to get my jacket from your apartment and you weren't there!




Matt: IF YOU DON'T...


Matt: ...

Apollo grabbed the phone from my hand. He looked through the messages before turning off my phone again. He pulled me into a tight hug, "Everything will be alright." I pulled away from the hug and looked at him. He looked back at me. Slowly, we leaned towards each other. Then, our lips met in a soft, yet passionate kiss. After a bit, we pulled away. He smiled slightly, "I think I know where you belong." I tilted my head, "Where?" He gently grabbed my hand, "With me."

I blushed, "I...I feel that way too..." After that, he left me to get changed into some clothes Trucy left. I walked out of his room, only to find him on the phone, "Yes, Mr. Wright. No! Who's taking-? You?! How is that a valid reason?! N-No...Fine! Bye." He turned to me, "A-Are you ready? Mr. Wright wants us to come down to the office. We're taking your case." I could only nod as we left to the office. Once we arrived, Mr. Wright took some testimony from me and printed screenshots of the texts from my phone while Apollo tried to keep Trucy unaware of the case.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. Mr. Wright looked at me. I checked my phone. Matt had sent me a single picture of the Wright and Co. Law Offices. Then, the lights went out. I showed Mr. Wright the picture as Trucy and Apollo came running in. Trucy looked scared, "Daddy, there's a man outside the office! I saw him on the camera. He has...a gun." Right as she finished, there was the sound of a gunshot. I jumped and hugged Apollo.

Mr. Wright locked the door, "Apollo, help me barricade the door. Trucy,
(Y/n), go hide." I looked towards Apollo, "But-!" Apollo cut me off, "Go! We'll come after we do this." I ran to the cleaning closet and climbed in. I closed it but left it open a small bit. I saw Trucy hide behind the filing cabinets. As we waited, we only heard the sounds of the being moved. Then, footsteps came towards the room. Mr. Wright came in with Apollo. Mr. Wright hid with Trucy while Apollo hid with me. Apollo hugged me and whispered, "We called the police. They're on their way-" The sound of the door being forced opened echoed throughout the office.

We all went silent. Another gunshot pierced the air. It was then that Apollo pushed me towards the back of the closet while putting his back to the door. He completely covered me. Another gunshot echoed. Closer this time. Footsteps approached the room. The door slammed open. Matt walked around the room until he stopped in front of the closet. I held my breath. The doors to the metal closet opened and the sound of a gun firing rang out twice before I heard a laugh and retreating footsteps. I felt Apollo slump as he fell from the closet.

It was then that I realized. Apollo protected me. He put himself in front of me in that closet to keep me from getting shot. I bent down on the ground, pressing cleaning towels to his bullets wounds on his back. Trucy and Mr. Wright found more towels to stop the blood. As Apollo laid on the floor, he shakily spoke, "D-Don't cry
(Y/n)..." He coughed, "Y-You're safe...And that's what matters to me..."
Before I could usher out another word, the police and a few paramedics rushed in. I watched as they loaded him onto a stretcher. Mr. Wright had to hold me back when Apollo's eyes closed.

We hurried to the hospital and waited. A doctor came up to us a few moments later, "For Mr. Justice?" We nodded. The doctor continued, "He is currently in surgery to get the bullets removed. With this surgery, however, there is a 50/50 chance that he may have to live the rest of his life in a wheelchair without any upper body strength." I started to cry. The doctor finished up, "We will let you know when he is allowed visitor's."

I cried as we waited. This was all my fault! If I hadn't gotten him involved or called him, he wouldn't be in the hospital right now. He may not be able to walk again. He probably won't even want to see me. A few hours later, the doctor came out, "Good news. Mr. Justice is recovering just fine and shows no signs of spinal injury. He should still be able to walk. He may also have visitors now."

I smiled. He can still walk! We went to his room. They let me go in alone. As I stepped inside, he sat up in the hospital bed, "(Y/n), please, come here..." I approached him, and before he could speak, I cut him off, "I'm sorry! You got hurt because of me! If I-" He cut me off, "This was not your fault. Don't blame yourself." He patted the space in the hospital bed, "Come cuddle with me." I carefully laid next to him and we drifted off to sleep.

After Apollo was discharged from the hospital, he took my case to court. After a long and hard 5 days, the court came to one conclusion: GUILTY. I smiled as the bailiff led Matt out of the room. I was finally free. No more suffocating dates or text messages. No more hurtful words.

I grabbed Apollo's hand and dragged him out of the court room. I was free, and I got my first taste of freedom with Apollo at my side.

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