Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 1

Start from the beginning

Back to the fight with Tara Ris, Christopher slashes his sword at her only to be blocked by her sword blade and kicked in the side knocking him onto the floor.

"Now where were we?" Tara asked with an evil smile plastered on her face.

"I believe we were going to discuss your return to my team." Adam said.

Adam is seen standing in the room accompanied by Ravager, Flame, Ella Fall and several troops from The Eclipse Cult much to Tara's surprise.

"Perfect timing then." Tara said with a snarky attitude.

"Where to we begin?" Adam asked.

"We begin with me in charge of this fight to the death." Tara said sternly. "Or else you can die along with those agents of yours and I'll be the only one leaving here in one piece."

"You drive a hard bargain" Adam said with hostility.

"So what's it gonna be Adam?" Tara asked. "Side with me while I'm taking charge, or don't and you die?"

"You...win!" Adam said through clenched teeth as he draws out his sword.

"I thought you'd see it my way, Adam." Tara said with a snarky tone of voice, "Now let's take these two spies down and destroy The Federal Organization once and for all!"

"I know just where to start too." Adam said with an evil smile on his face as he draws out his sword and walks over to E.

"I don't think so, Adam!" E said with an evil smile on her face and an angry glare.

"In that case, I'll have you killed right here and right now!" Adam threatened with a furious glare.

Meanwhile back with Donatello sensing enough negativity he folds up a paper plane and inserts a weird stone inside the plane and the stone glows before he smiles evilly.

"Let's test this out and see where it goes from here." Donatello said. "My son is being bullied and needs some extra help in dealing with this situation." Donatello said with an evil smile on his face.

"Now fly away my little plane of darkness and corrupt this young boy into a dangerous fighting machine!" Donatello said as he launched the paper plane out the window as the wind currents.

The plane of darkness reaches Jacob as the dark stone is absorbed into his pocket watch as Donatello reaches his son telepathically.

"Listen, son, I'll be there to help you shortly." Donatello said.

Donatello teleports into the scene where he is armed with his signature weapon of choice called Doombringer.

"I'm here now I'll go trap everyone here while you fight like a nightmare!" Donatello said to his son.

"I guess this could work." Jacob said nervously.

Jacob kicks a bully in the stomach before punching another bully in the face and knife-handing a third bully in the back of the head knocking him out cold before three more bullies charge forward toward him only to be sent flying by drawing out a sword blade from his sheath.

"Excellent work with the self defense skills, son."Donatello praised with a sinister smile on his face.

"Thanks a lot, dad, but this fight isn't over just yet, I'm afraid." Jacob said just as all of the bullies get right back up onto their feet and continue attacking and charging forward.

"Then let's end this once and for all." Donatello said with an evil smile on his face.

"I would actually have to agree with you there, dad." Jacob said with an unhappy sigh.

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