Chapter 1; Christine's POV

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Erik and I had been married for some time, about six months I presume. Life down in the catacombs of the Opera Populaire was perfect. The hiding part made me antsy at times, but I was with Erik and that's all I needed. Him beside me, to guard and protect me. It was early in the morning, he was trying to make us breakfast. Hopefully everything was going okay. Hopefully no fires were started. He told me to stay in bed. I couldn't smell smoke, so I assumed everything was alright. I was reading when he came into the room with a tray of food. Tea, eggs, croissants, sausages, bacon, toast, pastries and on the tray was the tiniest vase with a single rose in it.

"Erik, this is a lot of food. I hope you plan on eating with me.

Don't worry angel, it is for the both of us.

Thank goodness. I couldn't have eaten that by myself.

I know Christine. I know."

He chuckled and kissed my head as he climbed into bed and set the tray on my stomach. I snuggled up close to him and took a sip of tea. It warmed my insides as it slid down my throat. I looked up at Erik. He was watching me with that same look of adoration he always had on his face. I smiled as he handed me a fork and we dug into the beautiful meal he had prepared for us. Everything was perfect. Not just the food, but being here with him. Everything about being with him made me happy. He was the perfect husband. He always made sure I was happy and comfortable. If I wasn't he'd try to fix it immediately. It was the polar opposite of my old life with Raoul. Sometimes I thought about Raoul, but then I pushed the thoughts from my mind. I was unhappy with him. He had made me horribly unhappy. I was happy now, all I had to do was look at Erik and a feeling of pure bliss went through me. I watched him eat with a smile on my face. He looked down at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Is everything alright Christine?

Everything is perfect Erik."

I snuggled closer to him as I ate. Heat radiated off him and it felt wonderful. He put is arm around me and kissed my head. I ate a pastry and sipped at my tea. He smiled down at me.

"You're perfect.

I'm far from it Erik.


Well, I think so."

I reached up and kissed him. I may not be perfect but this moment was.

Once Upon Another Time...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon