Decision ( Yoongi )

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Your members and Bang PD said people would accept you one day. Just give them some time to make themselves comfortable with your presence being a BTS member. But its been 1 year 1 month yet seems like there's still many people that hate you.

"oppa, do you think me being a BTS member is a good thing?"

Yoongi look at you as if you grown two head.

"Of course. What's up with the question?"

"I don't know. I just don't think Army can accept as one of you. It's kinda tiring to have people hating on me every time. I am not strong enough for all of this." You smile bitterly. Your heart is empty. All feelings are mix up.

"Trust me y/n, one day. One day they would accept you as BTS 8th member. You just need to be strong and bear with it for a while. I know you can do it." Yoongi is now no longer staring at his computer. His attention is fully on you.

"I really want to ignore all the hate but I just can't. I really can't. Do you know how I feel being called ugly, fat and doesn't have any talent? Or they might be true. That is why they can't accept me being a BTS member."

"Y/n the only problem is that you are only thinking on the negative side. Yes it is true that some people hate you. But there is also a lot of people that love you. Just remember this one thing. When other people treat you like a trash, just keep being you. Never let someone else's bitterness change the person you are. You are beautiful in your own way. You have talent. If you don't have any talent. Why would Bang PD even make you as BTS member at the first place, am I right?" Yoongi pull you into a hug. His warm scent embrace you.

"thank you."

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