Hateful Comment

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You always post your selca on twitter. Usually people always left a positive comment about you.

But not until you post one of your selca. Its a selca where you put the camera real close to your face. People start leaving a bashful comment.


"I just realised it. Did she do plastic surgery?"

"I'm sorry but I didn't stan plastic."

"Plastic monster. You should just burn your face."

You bit your lips when you read all the comments. You take a look again at your latest selca.

 You take a look again at your latest selca

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The members must have noticed it. One by one of them enter your room.

"I didn't do plastic surgery. I didn't get it." You said and frowned.

"Some of them are blind maybe? Just ignore them." Jimin said.

"You walk to your make up table and stand infront of the mirror. The member look at you weirdely.

"Did I look like I did a plastic surgery?" You asked and grab your face.

"No of course not."

You sit next to Jhope on your bed.
You start to read all of the comment again.

"Plastic monster. Yeah what a great nickname for you."

"You should just burn your face."

After you read the last comment you stand up and go to your bathroom.

You locked the door and sit on the floor sobbing.

You look at the bathub. Then you start the water.

The member have heard the water running.

"Y/N? Are you showering? Should we leave your room?" Namjoon said.

But you didn't answer him. Instead you start to step in the bathub.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Namjoon said again.

You just ignore him and you wait for the bathup fill up with water.

"Y/N you're really scaring us right now." You heard Yoongi said.

"Open the door Y/N." Yoongi tried to open the door.

Finally the bathub are full of water and it reach your neck.

You smile painfully and drowned all of your body in the bathub including your face.

"We are gonna break this door Y/N." As soon as Jungkook said that.

The door opened forcefully. And all of them gasps when they saw you.

"Y/N!" Yoongi yell and pull you out.

Both of you sit on the floor and the member start gathering around you.

"Are you insane?!" Yoongi yelled.

You cough and Jin patted your back.

"Why did you do this Y/N ah?" Jin said.

You start crying. Yoongi pull you to his chest. He didn't care if his clothes are wet.

"I'm not plastic."

"We know we know." Yoongi whispered and rub your back up and down.

Jin whispered something to Jhope and with that he left.

All if them kneeling beside you with a worried expression.

"Those bi*ch. I swear they gonna pay." Yoongi said.

"Never ever do that again okay? What will happend to us if you're gone?" Yoongi said but this time his voice sound like he was begging.

"You really scared me Y/N." Jungkook suddenly said.

"I'm sorry." Thats all you can said.

"I'll get your clothes." Tae said.

Soon Tae come back with your clothes and a blanket. (You're still in the bathroom)

"Here change your clothes. We'll be in your room okay. Don't do anythinf stupid." Yoongi warned you before all of them go out.

You change your clothes and wrap the blanket around your body before you go to your room.

"We already report that to BangPD." Jhope said.

That night Jungkook sleep with you incase you'll do something stupid again.


The next morning, you read the article. And you saw BigHit posted something and its about you.

Whoever left a negative comment on you, BigHit will took action.

They really protect you. You start to think that maybe some people hate you. But there's still many people that love you.

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