MC Harassing You

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The mc look at you as if you are some kind of trash. But you just smile and ignore it. 5 minutes before the interview started, all of you sit on the chair and get ready.

"We have a special guest today. Welcome BTS!" The mc start the interview.

"So I heard that y/n is BTS new member?" -mc

"Ah yes I am." -you

"Does any of you feel uncomfortable with it?" -mc

"Well at first. Yes we do feel uncomfortable at the thought of a girl living under the same roof with us. But after awhile it is actually not that bad." Namjoon turn and smile to you. You smile at him back.

"How about you y/n-shi?" The mc ask you.

"Well just like Namjoon said, at first it's a lil bit uncomfortable. But I think it's okay now."

The mc keep talking and asking us until this part where the question made all of you speechless.

"How do you feel being the only one with a little bit big and short body? Isn't it hard to keep up with the choreography with short leg?"

Your member know how much insecure you are with your body yet the mc asked that kind of question. All of them look at you with worried expression.

"I'm sorry but I don't think that question is necessary. Could you please ask another question please?" Jin asked the mc politely.

"I'm sorry but you need to answer this question. It's not even that hard." Jungkook who sits next to you get ready to yell at the mc but you grab his arm.

"Don't worry I'll answer that. To say that it's not hard is totally not true but I'm glad that I actually can keep up with that. So no worries." You ended your answer with a smile.

"What about your reaction to people calling you BTS sl*t, b*tch, sl*ve and wh*re since you're the only girl in the group?"

"Okay you know what. I'm sorry we can't continue this interview. What kind of question is that?" Yoongi grab your hand and all of you leave the building.


"Y/N are you okay?" Hobi caress your head.

"I'm okay. That is nothing to the hate I received before."

"Istg I'm suing those bastard." You pat Tae's thigh, calming him down.

"Next time I'm telling our manager not to accept any interview that ask us stupid question. I'll even ask Sejin to check the question." Namjoon said.

And with that the conversation ended.

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