~Sehun x Reader~

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You were buying some bubble tea since you didn't quite have the best day ever. While you were ordering their was a giant commotion outside basically girls screaming. The most annoying thing ever trust me. You were taking a sip of your bubble tea and heading out of there.

You were looking down at your shoes because you knew your way around and you trusted your instincts. Well since the girls were screaming you bumped into someone spilling your bubble tea on both of you. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you." You said.

You looked up and he was famous maknea of EXO, Sehun. 'What have I gotten myself into.' You thought. Now you knew why girls were screaming. They were here to shop of course Sehun wanted bubble tea. "Its fine It just got a little wet." He said. The girls saw you taking to him and they didn't take it that well. So they pushed you away making you fall. 'Such nice people' you thought. Sehun saw what they did and he extended you a hand to pick you up. Of course a girl who was pretty I guess but she wanted attention took it thinking it was for her.

Sehun had a confused look and looked at her, he pulled away. Moving the hand for you. You gladly took it seeing these girls have no manners and smiled slightly at him. He helped you up and you said thank you. Then you realized you dropped your bubble tea so you went to go buy another one. Sehun saw you turn around heading back to the store. He told one of his hyungs to lend him some money and keep the fangirls busy then he hurried beside you. The girls didn't even notice he was gone since the hyungs were distracting them. When you saw him beside you, you smiled you actually loved EXO and your bias was well Sehun but you wouldn't be screaming their names because they still want to be normal.

You asked Sehun why he was walking with you he said "So I can treat you to another bubble tea since the fans don't really have manners. So take it as an apology from us." "Aniyo!* You don't have to buy me bubble tea its fine." You told him shaking your head a "no". He smiled saying "Its fine." Then it stayed silent you compared to Sehun your height was short. 'Why do they have to be so dang tall.' You thought while looking at him. He noticed you staring so he asked you why. You immediately became flushed red. "S-sorry I didn't mean to stare I was just comparing my height to yours." He nodded because he was actually really tall.

Then you both entered the store people didn't seem to recognize him so he went to order for you and him. When he was paying you noticed he was paying for yours too. You immediately said "I can pay for it you do-." You were interrupted by Sehun saying "Its to late for that." And then he gave you your bubble tea. You talked and got to know more about Sehun that a lot if people didn't know he was actually playful and funny.

When you got a text from your work you had to leave. "Um Sehun I need to leave my boss wants me to go to work." You said sadly. "Oh okay but at least give me your phone number so we can stay in touch." He said slightly blushing. You nodded and you both exchanged numbers. You said goodbye and thank you for paying for your bubble tea. Then you left to your work.

~3 months later~

You were now close friends with Sehun and the members they trusted you a lot most of the time they would take you to their concerts for you to hang out more with them. Your crush with Sehun grew bigger every time you were together. You never figured out if Sehun liked you or not,but the members kept telling you he did.

But you didn't believe them so you kept your feelings hidden. Today you were celebrating their comeback you all cheered. Then Sehun pulled you aside. "Um Y/N their something I wanted to tell you since we first met." He said blushing and putting his hand behind his neck embarrassed. You nodded for him to continue your heart started to flutter and blush slowly crept your cheeks. "Okay here it goes." He took a deep breath and continued. "Y/N these past few months I ah well grew closer to you and I wanted to tell you i-if you um....wanted to be my girlfriend?." He flushed red after he said those words you did too. "N-ne!* Yes Sehun." You hugged him tightly. He gladly returned the hug happy that you didn't reject him.

The members saw everything and cheered! "Finally see Y/N we told you he liked you." Beakhyun said. You were now 100 different shades of red. Sehun smiled and took your hand in his. The start of something new.

*Ne means Yes in Korean.

*Aniyo means No in Korean

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