"Not right now. He's away with work and won't be back for at least a year." Octavia told her. Clarke saw a glimpse of sadness behind Octavia's eyes. Something told Clarke that Octavia wasn't being completely truthful but it wasn't her place to pry, so she simply nodded her head.

"You must miss him." Clarke said carefully.

"I do. He's the only family I have left." Octavia shrugged her shoulders. "Anyway, enough about him. You're the best person I've interviewed in like a month, so if you want the room, it's yours."

"Really?" Clarke's eyes lit up. Octavia nodded her head with a grin. "Thank you so much Octavia."

"No need to thank me. How soon can you move in?" Octavia asked as she pulled out the contracts.

"Everything I have is in my car." Clarke said timidly. She didn't have time to pack everything. She'd simply thrown all her clothes and toiletries in a suitcase, a few of her books and some art supplies in a bag and a few personal items in her purse.

"Really? Okay then, let's get you settled in." Octavia smiled. "I'll show you to your room and then we'll get your stuff out your car." Octavia smiled.

"That sounds great." Clarke nodded.

Clarke followed Octavia upstairs. More photographs hung from the walls and another chandelier hung on the ceiling just like the one downstairs. Only this one was smaller. They turned left at the top of the stairs and Octavia showed Clarke the bathroom and linen closet. Then they went back down the hall. The door at the top of the stairs was Octavia's room, which Octavia showed to Clarke.

"Okay, so this is your room." Octavia said. She pushed open the door further along the hallway.

Clarke stepped inside and took in her new surroundings. The room was fully furnished, complete with a double bed, two chest of drawers, a closet and a vanity. Clarke spotted another door on the right wall.

"All the bedrooms are en-suite. So you have your own bathroom as well as the family bathroom. Since this one only has a shower, you can use the family bathroom if you want to take a bath any time." Octavia said.

"It's perfect. Thank you." Clarke smiled.

"Stop thanking me, this is your home now." Octavia chuckled.

The two of them left Clarke's room. Clarke then noticed a door opposite hers.

"That's my brothers room. I would show you inside, but he locked the door before he left and took the key with him. He's a very private man." Octavia said, seeing Clarke staring at the door.

"I guessed." Clarke replied.

The two of them went downstairs and unloaded Clarke's car. Clarke moved her car onto the driveway, making it official.

Once she was unpacked and settled in her room, Clarke sat on her bed. She decided to check her phone for any messages and found a message from her ex boyfriend and one from her mother.

Please answer your phone. I'm sorry I lashed out, I didn't mean it. Please come home. You belong here with me Clarke!

Call me when you get settled in. Need to discuss your inheritance.

Clarke decided to switch her phone off and deal with the messages another day. Right now she didn't want to talk to either of them. Her mother was still mad that Clarke had just up and left. And Cage was looking for more sympathy and a punching bag.

Turning on the shower, Clarke stripped from her clothes and stepped under the hot water. Her makeup washed away and Clarke wondered just how bad the bruise had become. As the water rolled down her aching body, she let her mind drift back to the night she left.

"You stupid bitch! Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" Cage yelled in her face.

Clarke held her throbbing cheek and cowered in the corner.

"I'm sorry! It was just lunch. I promise!" Clarke sobbed. A work colleague had offered to take her out for lunch since she hadn't prepared one for herself. Clarke didn't think Cage would find out, but one of his little snitches had followed Clarke and reported back to Cage instantly.

"I've told you a million times! You don't need to hang around with other men! You have me. If you ever go behind my back again, I will follow through with my promise!"

"It won't happen again. I promise." Clarke whispered.

Cage delivered one final blow to the ribs and left Clarke curled up on the floor.

That night, when Cage was out drinking with his friends, Clarke grabbed everything she was able to and shoved it in a suitcase. Her heart raced as every second clicked by on the clock. Cage could come home at any minute and if he caught her, she'd be dead. As she shoved the last few bits into a separate bag, Clarke hurried down the stairs and out to her car.

She didn't bother loading the car neatly, she just simply hauled it all in the backseat before jumping in the drivers seat. Without a second glance, she put the car in reverse, backed away from the house and sped off into the night. She had one destination in mind. An old friend of hers lived in Arkadia. Hopefully she hadn't changed addresses.

Clarke shook the memory from her head. It was still too painful. Glancing down, she saw the bruise that had formed on her rib cage. It had turned her torso an unsightly colour. She stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around her body.

Grabbing her phone off her dresser, she switched it on and decided to see if her old friend still lived in Arkadia.

After three rings, a voice answered.


"Lexa? It's Clarke." Clarke said quickly.

"Clarke Griffin! How are you? I haven't heard from you in years!" Lexa exclaimed.

"I'm fine. Listen, do you still live in Arkadia?" Clarke asked.

"Yep, same address. Why? Thinking of visiting me?" Lexa teased.

Since Clarke had moved to Polis and formed a relationship with Cage, she had lost all contact with her friends from Arkadia. Cage had never allowed her to go and visit and they were forbidden from stepping foot in their house.

"Actually, I just moved back to Arkadia. I'm renting a room on the outskirts of the city." Clarke informed Lexa.

"No way! What happened? Did Cage move with you?" Lexa asked. Clarke could hear the bitterness in her tone when she mentioned Cage.

"No, no he's still in Polis. We split up." Clarke explained.

"Good." Lexa mumbled.

"I don't suppose you wanna meet up and grab a coffee tomorrow morning?" Clarke asked.

"I'd love to! Say 10 at Greens?" Lexa suggested.

"Perfect. I'll see you then." Clarke smiled to herself.

She hung up the phone and laid down on her bed, still wrapped in her towel. Clarke was terrified about moving back to Arkadia. She'd left her friends behind and wasn't sure if they'd remember her or if they'd even want to see her again if they did remember her. Lexa was a good start though. Clarke realised that Cage had stole so much of her life. But now she was determined to change and start her life again, no more demons, no more drama.

If only it was that simple.

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