08 - Sisters

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"You need to wake, Loralei," A warm voice hums to me, awakening me from my slumber. My eyes flutter open before flickering around the room to find the source of the sound. 

They land on a small girl, no older than twenty. Her hair is long, black and wild - wrapping around her like a cape. Her skin is pasty white. Her Bloodren scent fills my nose, yet it's mixed with something familiar.

The girl steps forward until she is only a few feet from me now. I can clearly see the familiar red eyes that I fear, yet they don't scare me this time. No, I feel...calm. 

"Who are you?" I ask as I slowly and painlessly push myself up in my bed. Wait, painlessly? I do not remember healing myself. 

"We haven't met before. I'm Achara," She says, her voice like honey - smooth and thick, yet sweet and comforting. "I promise that I won't hurt you. Darren brought me to you. He said you needed me. And, my goodness, did you ever. I don't know what my Father is doing to you, but I swear this isn't like him. He-"

"Your Father?" I gasp, shock consuming me. "You...you are related to him?"

"Hence me calling him Father," She chuckles before sitting on the corner of the bed opposite me. "He kind of played a major role in creating me."


She tilts her head and looks at me curiously. "You seem shocked that our Father would have more than one child. Do you think they he is capable of keeping it in his pants? The man has hundreds of offspring all throughout the world. Maybe even thousands. You aren't the only spawn of Seth Ragnor, my sister."

"What?" I whisper as I begin to panic. Why would Darren bring her to me? Another monster to torture me?"

"Hey, hey, relax," She coos and I feel the warm wave of calm wash over me again. I can feel it's aura emanating from her. She's creating it. She is Megin as well. "That's right, sister. You are getting it now."

"Why would Darren bring you here?" I try to hiss, but fail as the calm keeps my anger at bay. "All I need is another Ragnor to-"

"I am nothing like him." She states, cutting the source of calm in an instant. "I am not like my Father at all. That man is a monster! He is a vile creature whose only true purpose in life is to create pain and suffering! To even compare me with him is unfathomable! The ultimate insult! Darren, why would you bring me here?"

That's when I notice Darren in the room, leaning against the wall with an odd smile on his face. 

"What the fuck, Darren?" We both say simultaneously and Darren's smile grows larger.

"I don't understand the humour that you find in this situation at all-"

"This isn't funny whatsoever, asshole-"

"She isn't at all as you described-"

"She's a freaking freak and-"

"A freaking freak? Really? Is that the best you can do?" The black haired girl says before rising to her feet. 

I narrow my eyes at her before replying, "No? Yes? Does it matter? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I bloody well healed you, you repugnant idiot and this is how I am thanked?"

And that's when Darren burst into laughter.

"What?!" We both say in unison, yet again. 

"She's like the proper version of you, Loralei. I don't know why I didn't introduce you earlier. You are identical in all ways - well, except for her black hair and your white hair. And her red eyes and your purple ones. And okay, you kinda have these little freckles that faintly dot your cheeks and-"

"Are you done?" Achara asks, her hands placed firmly on her hips as she glares at the male angrily. "I really do not want to listen to you fawn over her any more than I already have, Darren."


"Oh, you haven't heard? You are gorgeous, Loralei. Your beauty is tenfold. You outshine even the brightest star with powers to match. You-"

"Okay, enough Achara," Darren says glumly. 

"Oh, but I haven't gotten to the best part! You're-"

"I said enough!"

Achara giggles, biting her lip before slightly nodding her head. This is when I notice the similarities between us both. Her eyes - although red - are the same shape as mine - slightly upturned in a feline, like way. And her hair - albeit a stark contrast to my own colouring - shares the same wave pattern as mine and even lays wildly around her as does my own. Even her perfect pout matches my own. We are identical, yet opposites. We are sisters. 

"I asked Achara here beca-"

"Why didn't you tell me I had siblings?" I interrupt him before looking deep within him for answers that I'm sure he doesn't have. "That would have been some information to share."

"Not all of our brothers and sisters are like us, Loralei. Darren was protecting you and me. If word escaped about my true beliefs towards our Father...I fear I would be dead in a heartbeat, my sister. Father doesn't let traitors live." She pauses, her eyes flickering over to Darren before returning to me. "Unless they prove useful.

"We have a total of three hundred and twenty-four brothers and Seventy four sisters for a grand total of four hundred offspring even. Our Father likes things to be even." Achara says before stepping towards my leather coat that hangs off of a hook on the wall. "Of those numbers, only a dozen of us oppose our Father in secret. Including you and I. And our numbers are dwindling every day. Father murders us as he finds us. Our resistance is failing. So we hide."

"I brought her here because I thought she could help you."

"You know our Father can read minds, how does he not know about you?" I ask her. 

She smiles. "With a lot of practice," She replies. "I only show him what I want to show him. There is so much that you still need to learn, sister. Your Megin side is so weak in comparison to what it should be, however, I do believe that has to do with my Father. He hasn't shown you your true potential. I believe he doesn't want you to know what you are capable of until he can trust you. We need to give him that false sense of trust so we can rid this world of him. And I know of just the person who can help."

"Who?" I ask, my brows knitting together as I await her response. 

"You won't like it, Darren," Achara says, ignoring my question. "But he's the only chance we have here."

"No fucking way."

"You know that he is capable of training even the hardest cases. Look at what he had already done with her." Achara says, gesturing to me. "Imagine what he would do with her with more time? We could swing even it as Father's idea and this all could happen right under his nose. Darren, it's brilliant!"

"She won't go for it, Achara! And neither will I."

"What?" Achara asks, her face twisted into a look of pure confusion. "How can you be against this? Don't you want her to live?"

"Of course!"

"So why wouldn't you be on board with this?"

"Because it's him and you know how he is. You know what he's done. You-"

"Are you talking about her or-"

"I'm talking in general, Achara!" Darren yells, gesturing wildly. "You know what he's done. He can't be trusted. He-"

"Oh I get it," Achara says, folding her arms over her chest as a devilish grin forms on her beautiful face. "You're scared of a little competition!"

"Who the fuck are you talking about?" I yell, interrupting their bickering. 

Both Bloodren turn to me and Darren looks down at me with sympathy. 

"She's talking about Bennett."He says slowly and I don't hesitate to respond.

"No fucking way."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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