06 - Please

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His lips moved slowly against mine with so much care - as if he believed I would break at just the simple touch. His arms held me to him firmly, yet softly as if telling me I could push him away, but he really didn't want me to. With each movement, I sunk deeper and deeper into him. My hands pulling him closer as I seek more of him. 

I want more of him. 

And it was so contradicting to who he was as a person - how hard and fierce his exterior is versus how he is holding me now. It is confusing, yet mindblowing and I never want him to stop, yet I'm pushing him away. 

Why am I pushing him away?

"Darren," I whisper, my voice thick with emotion. He looks down at me, worry in his eyes and his lip between his teeth. "I can't."

He nods his head and steps away from me. He's not looking at me anymore and I silently plead that he does. Let those stunning, grey orbs look at my purple ones again. Please. 

"I'm sorry." He whispers, running his hand through his hair yet again. 

"Don't be," I tell him honestly. "I wanted to continue, but it's not fair to you. I still have Bennett in my head and it's only been two days - I've only known you for two days. I got burned by the last guy I opened up to and-"

"I get it." He says, turning around and heading for the door - yet again.

"Wait! I didn't mean it like that! I don't think you are anything like Bennett, it's just-" 

"You don't need to explain yourself. I get it. Why trust the Bloodren who has done nothing but be kind to you since day fucking one? Who cared for you and tended to you despite the consequences he could face. Who has been honest and told you things that hadn't been said in a very long time. Yeah, I get it." He states before leaving, slamming the door behind him. 

"Fuck!" I scream as I press my head into my hands and lightly smack my forehead in frustration. 

"Well, that was certainly entertaining."

Jumping out of my skin, I turn to see Ragnor standing against the wall in the corner by my desk. "What the fuck are you doing in here?" I scream as I wrap my towel around me tighter. "Get out! I'm naked!"

He flicks his wrist and says, "That certainly didn't stop you with my man, did it?"

"You're my father."

"When will you learn that those are just labels, my dear?" He says, taking a threatening step towards me. "Such a beautiful, young thing. No wonder Darren took to you. I haven't seen him with a girl in all the time he's been with me. Such a genuine display of emotion. What a shame."


"The man was clearly smitten with you, my dear daughter."

"I can see that," I say, narrowing my eyes. "But we have known each other for only a couple days. How can I-"

"Trust him? I suppose you can't. However, take it from me, that man doesn't just go after anyone." He says as he looks at his nails in boredom. "He's been with me for several years and hasn't once taken to one of my whores."

"I'm not a whore."

"Listen, Loralei." He almost growls. "I'm not saying you are. I am saying that the man has had the opportunity, yet hasn't taken it. Not once. Such a shame. I mean, I should be angry with him for going after what's mine-"

"I'm not yours."

"But his heartbreak and having to watch after you every day should be punishment enough." He says as his infamous grin returns. "Well done, daughter. You pushed away the one man who probably could have gotten you out of this shit show." 

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