07 - Cell

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The cool air nips at my bare skin and I wrap my arms tighter around my frail body. The cold doesn't bother me, but my nakedness does as I stand in a dark, empty cell in the basement of my father's estate. A thick, heavy chain is coiled around my neck, preventing me from shifting into my wolf for protection and cover from wandering eyes. 

I don't remember how long I've been down here. Everything is a fog and time is nothing when all I can see is darkness and concrete. I know it's been a long time - the hunger that once ravaged my empty stomach is nothing more than a dull reminder that I haven't eaten in presumably days. Maybe even weeks. 

And the heartbreak that once filled me has been replaced with a stronger emotion. 


Since I woke on the cold hard floor, my mind has replayed what happened over and over again as I tried to recreate a new ending to the horrid ordeal. I try to write a story where I came out on top and the violation my father forced didn't happen. A story that ends with my nails digging into the soft skin of Ragnor's neck. Where a grin forms on my lips before I rip his throat from his body. 

And I revel in the feeling of watching his life force leave his body. 

But I'm weak. I can no longer feel the energy that usually hums around me, fueling my magic at will. I've been told that my cell is enchanted - probably a good thing. 

I wouldn't hesitate to use my power if I could right now. Just the thought of tearing through this place as I search from my wretched father brings a smile to my face. 

Pushing my matted hair behind my ear, I again struggle against the heavy chain so I can reach the corner of the cell that I've deemed my potty corner. As disgusting as it may be, I've been left with no other choice. There is no toilet left in the cell and I don't have the luxury of asking to use the bathroom. I don't even know if I have a voice left in me - my throat too parched to let the sound escape me. 

As I relieve myself, I can hear the soft sounds of someone walking on the other side of the door. During the early stages of my imprisonment, I would have been embarrassed to be found like I am. 

But now, I don't care. 

I finish just as the sound of the door unlocking echoes around me. Pushing myself to a stand, I stumble a little - my head spinning from the sudden movement. 

I force myself to stand still in the centre of the room as I wait for my cell's intruder to enter. My hands shake as I envision what punishment my father has in store for me now. The last time he visited me, scalding water was poured over me. I can still feel it now. 

The door swings open and light washes over me, blinding me. My hands fly up to protect my eyes. He never comes in the light. What is he going to do this time?

"Jesus," A familiar voice reaches my ears and terrifying chills wrack my body as I step away from the sound. 


"Loralei, it's me."

No. I keep stepping back until I'm flat against a concrete wall. Sliding down, I wrap my arms around my body and hide my head between my knees.

"I won't hurt you," The voice whispers. It's closer. "Loralei, look at me. I'm here to help you."

Go away!

"I'm going to help you up, okay? I'm going to take you back upstairs. He says you can leave here now. We will get you cleaned up and fed. Come on, Loralei." He says and I feel his fingers barely touch my hand. 

"No!" My voice rasps out- an unfamiliar sound burning from within me. I fight against him, kicking and punching until his hands find my arms. 

I'm too weak.

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