03 - Punishment

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"Darren, Samuel! Turn her around and hold her still!" Ragnor orders and the two men step towards me. 

"What are you doing? Don't touch me!" I hiss as the darker man, Samuel, grabs my bicep first. Darren gives me a sympathetic look before doing the same. 

The men both hold me as still as they possibly can - despite me pulling against them in every direction as I try to free myself from their hold. "What is this?" I ask angrily. "What are you doing?"

I shudder as I feel warm breath at my ear, followed by my father's chilling words. "You should have listened to me, darling daughter of mine."

And before I can react, my father rips my shirt and panties from my body. 

"What the fuck!" I shriek as I again attempt to free myself from the guards. "What are you doing?" Tears begin to form in my eyes as hopelessness sets in

"My, aren't you a beautiful, little thing." He says as he walks around us so I can see him. "It's such a shame that I have to do this. I mean, you really left me with no choice." 

I watch in horror as he begins to unbuckle his belt. "No!" I scream, the tears freely falling from my eyes. "No, don't do this, please!" 

His evil grin forms on his face and his eyes seemingly glow as he again steps to behind me. I feel his fingers run over my back and he whispers, "Such a shame. Such beauty." 

Then, I feel it before I hear it. A deep stinging pain runs along my back, followed by a slapping noise that echoes around me. 

And I scream in agony. 

"My dear Loralei. You must learn and learn quickly." He says before the pain down upon my back again and again. 

He is relentless, never letting me a moment to recover. The pain consumes me and black spots fill my vision. I am unable to stand on my own two feet since my legs turned to jello after the eleventh or twelfth hit. 

Thank God for the two strong men who are holding me there. 

"That's enough. Throw her on the bed. Darren, you clean her up. Don't need her to wounds to get infected. Samuel, I need you to deliver something to the Guipago. He's demanding his payment." Ragnor orders and the two men comply. "And Loralei, I hope this taught you something. I never wanted to lay a finger, but you gave me no choice."

"There is always a choice, Ragnor," I whisper through gritted teeth as wave after wave of pain washes over me.

"Tsk. Such a shame you learned nothing from this. I guess we will have to repeat the lesson tomorrow." He smirks before disappearing. 

"Jesus, why didn't you listen to me?" Darren growls the second Samuel and Ragnor disappear. He rushes to the bathroom and grabs a cloth and some water. Kneeling beside me, he reaches to place the cloth upon my back but I stop him. 

"I'm fine. Just give me a second." I whisper as I close my eyes and concentrate on my wounds. A warmth begins to form over my back and slowly the pain begins to dissipate. I groan as relief fills me as each long slice of my father's belt sews itself shut. 

Once the pain is gone, I open my eyes to see an amazed Darren looking down at my back. 


"It's just a little skill I learned," I whisper, before attempting and failing to push myself off of the bed. "But the effects of his...whipping," I swallow. "Are still there. I am exhausted. Can you please help me to the bathroom so I can wash away the blood?"

He nods his head and lifts me from the bed, carrying me with ease to the bathtub. Plugging the drain, he turns the taps and the water begins to flood around me. I can't help but sink into the warm waters, closing my eyes and succumbing to the exhaustion within me. 

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