02 - Love

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How could I forget my birthday? 

I mean, obviously I had forgotten about many birthdays in the past ten years, but it's so unlike me. Every birthday used to be so important to me. I would have a routine. Visit my mother's grave. Shift. Run. Then, go 'home' to my adoptive parents and receive a small gift and cupcake to celebrate living another year. 

I remember when things were simpler. I remember when I wasn't running from the Protectors and the only thing I worried about was trying to blend in, despite knowing it was impossible when I had white hair and purple eyes. 

"For the record," Darren's rough voice interrupts my thoughts as we get closer and closer to the black door of my room. "You have a bathroom in your room."

"Thanks," I mumble. "I'll look harder this time."

Suddenly, he stops walking and turns to me. "Listen to me for a second and do not repeat this to anyone." He says, looking around nervously before continuing. "That man in there is a dangerous man. I am sure you have heard the stories, but they are nothing like the truth. Just fucking listen to him. Do as he says and do not question him. He won't hurt you if you do."

"Why are you doing this?" I whisper.

"Believe it or not, not all of us Bloodren agree with his rule." He states before walking again, this time his grip lighter on my arm. "You do not know what that man is capable of, even with his own flesh and blood."

I nod and allow the man to lead me to the room. Passing the other guard, Darren opens the door for me and then pushes me inside. "I will bring you food later." He says gruffly before slamming the door shut. 

Releasing a slow breath, I walk over to my desk and drop the two books on it before shaking my jacket off and placing it on the bed. My eyes finally find the door to the bathroom. I rush inside and start a bath - hot and bubbly, just the way I like it. Stripping my clothes off my body, I do my business before slowly stepping inside. 

A moan escapes me as I slide into the deep, burning waters. Closing my eyes, I shove all of my worries into the back of my mind and just allow myself one moment of calm before I let the worry back in. 

What the fuck am I going to do? 

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What the fuck am I going to do? 

I am sitting on my bed in my panties and tank top, staring at the two books on my desk. My knees are held to my chest and I just feel panic. 

And I don't know why. Like, I know who my father is. I know what he's done. I've heard the stories. I've read the historical documents of the disgusting things he's done. So why am I allowing a single conversation with him put a doubt in my mind?

Groaning, I push myself from the bed and grab the book he all but threw at me. I open to the first page and see it's a diary. 

His diary. 

September 18th, 1987

I've never seen anything so beautiful and to think she is mine. I practically have one of her curves, every detail of her face committed to memory. The way her eyes flutter while I am driving deep into her and-

Nope, next. 

December 24th, 1987

I still can't believe this woman is mine. The things she does for me, I've never in my life had anyone show so much care. She knows what I need before even I know. She gives me everything. I only hope I can give her everything in return. 

Today, I watched as she sat at my desk and wrote in her journal. I don't think she knew I was there, but if she did, she didn't show it. I watched her carefully as she bit on her lip, writing and doodling away without a care in the world. This is the girl who has stolen my heart. Carefree. Stunning. Mine.

March 3rd, 1988

I can't understand her. One minute, she is hot. The next, she is cold. I give her everything she could possibly want. Everything she could possibly desire, yet it's never enough. All she keeps asking for is to go home. But this is her home. I am her home. Doesn't she understand that I cannot let her go back there? She is mine! Not theirs! They would surely make her mate the first suitable male they could find. They cannot have her. They can't.

August 30th, 1988

She doesn't look at me with the same sparkle she once did. She looks broken. I try to give her the affection she needs, but it's not enough. It's never enough. 

What more can I do though? I tell her how much I love her. I tell her how much she means to me. I tell her how she will always be mine and no one else's. She never appreciates me! I give her everything! Jewels, books, clothing, everything! She's never fucking happy anymore! All she does is just go through the motions and that's it. She's not my Rose anymore and I don't know why. 

November 12th, 1988

I did something stupid. I shouldn't have said those things to her. I will have to make it up her. Maybe apologize, I don't know. 

She is just so infuriating. She used to care. She used to seek my touch. She used to need it, but now...now it's different. 

I skip to the last entry. 

June 28th, 1989

She's gone. She left me. She must have left in the middle of the night. Did one of the guard's help her? Did she leave on her own accord or did someone steal her away while I hunt? No, there was no sign of a struggle. No sign of her being taken at all. One of her bags were gone. If she was taken, she wouldn't have packed a bag...right?

No, she left me. She had to of. But I will find her. I will fucking find her and I will make her regret ever leaving me.

Throwing the book, I scream. "That's love? If that's love, then I am the God Damn Queen of England!" I shriek as I push back the tears. "He's a fucking monster."

I can feel the familiar rush of energy building within me as my anger grows stronger. "Not a fucking pet," I growl as I take a chair and throw it against the wall. "Didn't hurt her." I flip the bed. "Fucking liar." 

I scream and release, flames erupting around me. 

"I will fucking kill him!"

My door bursts open. Darren and the other guard enter, accessing me before running at me.

"You need to stop now," Darren orders, shooting me a warning glare that I choose to ignore. 

The other guard doesn't hesitate before grabbing me and pushing me against the hard wall. "Enough," He growls, but I force him away from me with a blast of white power. 

"Loralei, you need to listen to-"

"What the fuck is going on here?" Seth Ragnor growls as he appears in my room. I look at him in disgust before allowing my power to seep towards him.

But, he swipes it away and stalks towards me. 

I attempt to hit him with a blast of energy, but he deflects it. 

"I do not understand how two men couldn't contain a little girl." He states, glancing at his guards before returning his eyes to mine. "I will give you one chance to stop, dear daughter of mine."

I don't listen. With everything within me, I push against him...

But he just walks through my attack and wraps his cold fingers around my delicate neck. 

"I guess you will be learning the hard way." 

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