01 - Birthday

27 5 0

"I'm sure your surroundings are familiar," My father states as he gestures to the room around us. "It's not much, but you can earn more in due time."

"I don't understand," I whisper, looking around the windowless room. "How?"

"Quite simple, actually." He says, looking bored as he watches me take in the room. "One of my specialities is draumr or the ability to control one's dreams."

My eyes snap to his, my body trembling as it dawns on me how much control he has. I'm not even safe in my sleep...no matter how far I run. He will always get to me. Always. 

"How?" I whisper, trying to keep my voice calm but failing miserably.

His grin returns. "I'll gladly show you, but not tonight. I need to feed." He states and I watch as he floats towards the door. "Sleep. I have two guards outside the door if you need anything." His voice telling me they are really there in case I try anything. "I will see you in the morning."

"But...wait!" I say, stopping him before he leaves me alone. However, I really have nothing to stay and he ends up looking down at me like I am stupid as he watches me open and close my mouth like a village idiot in Times Square. 

"What am I supposed to do here?" I ask, unsure of how to ask the real question in my heart. 

But it seems to be enough for him to know the answer to what I am really seeking, replying simply with, "You'll see" before disappearing in thin air.

Finally, I am alone and everything begins to hit me. 

Bennett lied to me. 

He was working for my father all this time. 

Seline was my father. 

Bennett took my virginity knowing he was lying to me all this time. 

What is even real anymore? Is Taryn actually dead? Did she really work for Bennett getting intel on the Protectors like those reports always said? Were Falon's tears real?

And did he really lose his entire pack to war? 

So many questions that I will never get the answers to. So many days that I will never get back. And most importantly. 

How can I ever trust anyone again knowing the man that I fell for was a fraud this entire time?

How can I ever trust anyone again knowing the man that I fell for was a fraud this entire time?

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I wake with a start. Pushing myself out of my bed reluctantly, I rub away the remnants of my tears from the night before and push back the feeling of nausea as memories wash over me. Looking around the room, I decide to check the dresser for clothing - wanting nothing more than to rid myself of anything to do with Bennett. Surprisingly, it is filled to the brim with various pieces all in my size. I hurriedly grab a pair of panties, a pair of jeans and a white tank.

Without hesitation, I rip the clothing I am wearing from my body and throw it into a pile on the floor. With a flick of my finger, I set the clothing ablaze and watch as it turns into ash. Sighing, I stomp out the ash and throw on the clothes I picked out before going to my door to seek a bathroom - grabbing my leather jacket on my way. 

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