"Gotten your schedule yet?" Her eyes forming two cresents as her lips pulled into a smile, hands holding a heavy stack of books.

"On it right now. You?" Gguk's hands immediately going to take three books off the pile, finding just those very heavy to hold himself, sometimes really surprised at the strength this girl possessed.

"Thank you-" Chuckle pulled from her throat as she readjusted herself a little, not trying to make all the heavy binded pages tumble to a fall. "Yeah, pretty packed to be honest but well i took a lot of courses so my fault for that."

"Maybe we have some classes together." He commented with a smile dancing on his lips, the rush of students pushing by slipping into the back of his mind of a second.

"Oh, uhm, have you seen Tae yet?" Yongsoo tilted her head, confused, eyes searching around a little.

Taehyung had been his best friend of however long he can remember. Really only vaguely remembering meeting him in Kindergarten on the swingset.
And turns out they didn't live far away from eachother houses only a street apart which was pretty much a perfect starting point for becoming best friends.

They had done everything together from thar point on, same schools, same hobbies, same vacations.

But with the start of highschool things suddenly don't flow as easy.

Different interests develop, different paths and directions are taken.

Taehyung went to take part in the swim team, something Jeongguk could just not see himself in as well, joining the band club instead. Classes together also thinned out, seeing eachother not as regularly in school.

It eventually caused Taehyung to become part of the more popular crowd, being known to the whole school as a well mannered, polite and incredibly hardworking A-student and swimmer.

Jeongguk on the other hand remained in the background, more or less sticking to the same four to five people, not being very loud and more or less the quiet one that some even liked to call Taehyung's shadow at times.

But their differences didn't tear them apart, they still are and will always remain best friends, have no one above the other.

"Uhm- no, i thought he would pick you up or something?" Head slumping to the side himself, confusion swirling his head.

Yongsoo had been Taehyung's girlfriend of two years already. And Gguk gladly accepted her as a friend of his own as she was just known to be likeable, can't hurt a fly. And she really is one of the nicest sweet souls Jeongguk has gotten to know.

"No he didn't, i thought he maybe would gone with you?" He knew that either Taehyung picks up Yongsoo or him, it really depends on the day, it sure was strange for him to have no sign of either and not even texting about his absence in the morning.

It was just so unlike him.

"Weird." Gguk trailed off whispering to himself, bottom lip catching between his teeth in thought. " I mean i guess i'll see him around?"

"I'll keep you updated if he texts me." She nodded, her eyes dropping to look down, worry apparent in her tone.

"Yeah-" He whispered unsurely, placing the books back on the stack carefully, thoughts trailing off again, seeing Yongsoo's small figure fade into the blurry mess created by his vision.

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