Lead Up To Him (Denki x Reader) ~ My Hero Academia

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~This one is pretty much just a freebie that I wrote during school, so... yEET- have a free one-shot that wasn't officially requested!~
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"Ah, man... I'm gonna be so late, and Aizawa-Sensei's gonna be so pissed. Hm, this'll be fun. Yes, fun."

You heaved a breath, and then sharply exhaled, glancing forwards at your incoming surroundings. Your heeled uniform shoes clicked against the cobblestone walkway of U.A. High School, the High School for Heroes.

The glistening sky mocked you silently as you raised a brow up at the puffy clouds drifting past you. You were walking at a rather brisk pace, as you'd rather not be as late as you currently were. Interrupting Aizawa's class was not something on your bucket list of things to do before you die. Yet, unfortunately, doing so you would experience the event, and then pass over to "the next life", meaning you're dead.

You haven't been late yet, so hopefully he'll let you slip by with a warning this time. Key wording: hopefully.

Fixing your gaze to the tree-aligned road you were traveling along, you felt a familiar buzz strike your thigh. You dug your hand into your skirt pocket and pulled out your (favorite color) cellphone. The screen was illuminated with a newly arisen notification of an arrived text message.

With your brow previously raised, the other one joined it to a peak, creating your oblivious facial expression. "What in the hell is Denki doing texting me during class? I swear..." you left off on that note, clicking open the notification and quickly responding to him.

Hey! U late or not coming to school?

I'm just late, calm yourself


Good? What does that mean?

Nvm that. Just get here already lol

Jesus Christ, okay!

With heavy breaths, you slowly ajared the classroom door, and peeked inside, immediately shifting your wandering eyes to the front of the room. You smiled apologetically towards the black-haired male, waving at him awkwardly.

"Sorry I'm late, Aizawa-Sensei, and for interrupting class. I have a note from home." You admitted sheepishly, holding up a folded piece of parchment that you summoned from the depths of your (rather small, ironically from previous wording) pocket.

The man huffed with an unnamused tone, and just looked away from you back to the stack of papers he had been holding. "You can give it to me after class, I'll mark you present. Just stop causing a scene and take your seat, someone will inform you on what you are supposed to be doing."

"Yes, Sensei."

You shuffled to your desk, which happened to be right behind mister Kaminari himself, clinging your backpack to the chair's back and pulling out a notebook and pencil. After you had made it appear that you were actually prepared for class, you leaned forward in your seat to try and get the blonde boy's attention.

But, sure enough, that notion wasn't needed, as he pretty much "sensed", as he so claims in previous times, that you needed his help, he was already turned around with a bright grin painted across his lips. "So, why were you late, hm?" He was obviously just going to use this information to tease you about it the rest of the day.

"You do not need to know this information, my good sir, for you need to help me with what in the hell we're actually supposed to be doing right now." You stated, quickening your words towards the end, and you also didn't breathe until you were finished with your sentence.

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