My Ōkami (Koji x Reader)~ Digimon Frontier

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This was requested by: Skawaii-chan13

~Narrator POV~

It's been at least 4 months sense Takuya, Koji, Zoe, Tommy, J.P and (Y/n) were Transported into the Digital World on the Trailmon.

(Y/n)'s parents died in a Train Accident when she was only 5 years of age. She has a bionic right arm and left leg because of the Accident.

But with the hope her friends have given her, she trudges forwards. Also, gaining a crush on her friend Koji Minamoto.

It started on the first month they arrived at the Digital World...

~~Flashback: 4 months ago~~

(Y/n) followed the instructions and made it to an underground subway station.

But to her dismay, many odd looking Trains were parked in the Station. Tears started swelling in her eyes as she remembered he mom and dad.

She clenched her metal fist and started to turn back, but she was stopped by a voice from behind her.

"Where are you going? You want to see where these Trains go, don't you?"

She turned around to see a boy with long, black hair and blue jacket. She looked into his deep blue eyes and shook her head.

"No, Trains are evil..." She muttered.

"What? Ah, come on! It'll be fine..!" He grabbed her wrist and started pulling towards the Trains.

He helped her onto a Train Car. "Here, you can hang out with these guys, I'll meet you at the next Station," he instructed, closing the door.

He seems to know what he's doing. You turned around to see 3 boys and a girl.

One boy looked younger than the rest of them. He wore a big orange hat with a white shirt and yellow capri-shorts.

Another boy was all and had brunette hair, he wore a blue and yellow jumpsuit-like outfit and was eating a chocolate bar.

The other boy had goggles over his head with a backwards greenish-brown hat, with a yellow shirt and a red jacket over it. Also the same pants as the first kid, but brown.

The girl had long, blonde hair with a pink hat, and basically her whole outfit was pink...

They all looked at her and smiled. "Hey, I'm Takuya..! This is Tommy, Zoe and J.P!" They goggle boy introduced.

"I-I'm (Y/n)," she stuttered. As her legs trembled, you could here the metal of her leg clinking together.

"Are you okay? Come here, you can sit next to me!" Zoe stated happily, patting the spot next to her.

She walked over and sat down with a half-hearted smoke. Tommy seemed a little freaked out, she felt the same way...

"I wanna go home!" He shouted, suddenly bursting into tears.

"It's okay Tommy, I feel the same way..." (Y/n) placed a hand on his shoulder.

"How do you know how I feel?!" He yelled, removing her hand.

"Because..." She started, but tears started to fall. But she kept on explaining. "You see these fake limbs here?" She held out her arm and leg.

Everyone nodded. "When I was little, age 5, my parents decided to visit some family here in Japan, so we road the Train. But the Train fell off course and detached from the Railroad, causing it to crash... The crash took my arm and leg, and along with it, my parents..."

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