We'll Find Home (Matt x Reader)~ Digimon Season 1

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So this was requested by: Clawofdeathclan

~Your POV~

Ever sense me and my friends Tai, Matt, Izzy, T.K, Mimi, Sora, Joe, and now Tai's little sister Kari, have come to this parallel universe, things have just been out of sorts. And when we met our new ally's, the Digimon, we never thought that our lives would ever, be the same...

"Ugh! We've gotten home before! So why can't we do it now?!" A furious Tai yelled, kicking the dirt.

"Don't worry Tai, we'll find a way home..!" Kari reassured.

I was starting to doubt our return home as well. After we defeated Apocalymon, Gennai told us that we'd be able to return home, but it turns out, a few "Dark Cells" as Izzy put it, were left behind, and destroyed the portal home.

I sat at the foot of the small hill surrounded by water, lightly dipped my hand in, and swayed it through the liquid. Making it dance and move all around.

I then felt my Digimon, Terriermon, flop himself onto my head, and yawn. I laughed slightly at how cute he was when he was tired.

"(Y/n), Momentai..!" He yawned, "Everything will be okay," he smiled drowsily.

"I know buddy, I'm just thinking about what are parents are doing. Are the worried? Or sense time doesn't go bye that fast in the real world, are they still standing in the same spot we left at?" I patted his head.

"Hey! That's cold!" Oops, I guessed I used the hand that was in the water.

"Hehe, sorry," I replied awkwardly.

We then started teasing each other about random things we've done, when we heard the sound of an oh-so familiar harmonica behind us.

We turned around to see Matt and Gabumon sitting on the top of the hill, blowing away into his instrument and making the sound of music.

I had a light blush across my face. I've known Matt ever sense we were little. And I've grown to have a crush on him.

I know we're kind of opposites, he's cool, calm, and I'm, shy, awkward and clumsy. (Well, only around him)

I scooted over at sat right next to him, Terriermon still atop my head.

"Hey Matt," I said quietly.

~Matt's POV~

I was playing my harmonica, Gabumon sitting beside me and listening as if he were an audience. When I heard a voice say my name.

I looked over to see (Y/n) sitting there, with Terriermon laying on her head, making it look like she had floppy, green ears.

"Oh, hey (Y/n), what's up?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"What's so funny?" She asked, apparently I don't do a very good job.

"Well, it's just that whenever Terriermon is on your head, it looks like you have ears," I chuckled.

She turned pink with embarrassment. She was adorable when she did that. I've know (Y/n) for a long time, but ever sense we've come to the digital world, I saw a side of her that I hadn't before. Bravery, determination, and that's when I started to get all weird around her.

So I had come to a conclusion, I had a crush on her. I'll never admit it to anyone of course, but I knew the feeling was there.

"Anyway, what's your opinion on being stuck here in the Digi World?" She asked, skipping a rock across the lake. [Sorry if you don't know how to skip rocks, in all fairness, I know how, I just can't do it]

I looked across as well, thinking of a proper response, "I don't know... It may suck a little, but we get to hang out with our friends a little longer,"

"I know what you mean," she smiled and picked up the now sleeping Terriermon, rubbing stomach as he smiled in his dreams.

We sat there quietly, not saying a word after that. But once again, I started playing my harmonica. A few minutes had past, still not saying a word. But then Tai came running up the hill.

"Matt! [Y/n]! Come here! Izzy and Gennei said they may have found a way back home!" He yelled, waving his hand over in the others' direction.

We sat up and followed the overly-excited boy to the little group huddle the others were in. We sat back down, completing the circle they had formed, as Gennai stood in the middle along with Izzy.

~Your POV~

"So, as I was searching through the circuit codes on my Laptop, I found a fractal code made up of virus particles left from Apocalymon. And I think that if I can get a little bit our own digital codes and add it onto the remaining ones, it'll open up a portal home!" Izzy explained, almost everyone had dumbfounded faces as he used the geek-y computer words, which I completely understood.

I stood up and restated what Izzy had claimed, "What he means is that if he takes a piece of our digital bodies and put them onto the little bits of Apocalymon left, he might be able to make a portal open and take us back home," I explained.

"Ohhhhhh, that makes sense," they all had looks of realization across their faces.

"Wait, take bits of our bodies?!" Mimi questioned.

"Don't worry, it wont affect our bodies back home," Izzy mentioned.

We all sighed, and saw that the sun started to set. We all agreed to go to bed, so Tai and the rest of us made shelters out of sticks, twine and leaves.

We all had our own tent except for me and Matt, we decided that it wouldn't be of any harm to sleep outside, well, unless a giant Digimon attacked. But that was very low in probability sense we pretty much saved every Digimon's lives.

I was lying down on the same hill I was sitting down on the morning, along with Matt on the opposite side of the hill.

"[Y/n]?" I heard him ask.

I sat up, "Yeah?"

"Can I tell you something?"

~Matt's POV~

This was it, I'm going to confess to [Y/n]..! I was really nervous, and my hands were shaking, but it's now or never. Because we don't live that close in the real world, and her parents don't really have phones. So I couldn't call her.

"Sure, what's up?" She sat up and looked at me.

I slid over and sat next to her, "It's something pretty crazy,"

"I live for crazy! I just saved digital creatures in a different world with my best friends..! I think I can handle a little--" I cut her off when I kissed her cheek.

We both sat still, she looked shocked with a huge blush on her face.

"I really like you [Y/n], I don't know if you feel the same way, and I know that was sudden but--" she kissed my cheek back.

"I like you too Matt," she smiled, still red in the face.

"And don't worry, I'm sure we'll find home,"

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