"Yep. I used it on you and on the dance instructors at our old school." Mark said chuckling because he used his power all because of Jaemin and for Jaemin under Jeno's command.

"What? When? How?" Jaemin said shocked as he gets up.

"Okay so I can use my second power only if I touch my target. In your case Jaemin, I guess it's the first time you encountered an insane vampire and you are with Jeno and Renjun. Jeno put you to sleep and brought you here then asked be to erase your memory. (Chapter 9)." Mark stated.

"How about the time you used to our dance instructors?"

"I hypnotized them to let Jeno advance in your level since he's over protective.(mentioned in chapter 11)" Mark smirked and Jeno threw him a glare.

"So Jisung?" Jaemin asked getting back to his original position, in Jeno's arms.

"Well teleportation and clairvoyance which I can't use well." Jisung shortly answers not minding to throw a explanation since his powers are pretty well known.


"We are not on the same kind Jae." Renjun answered.

"Huh? What kind are you talking about?" Jaemin asked confused.

"Okay so, Emphatic vampire like Jisung, Chenle, Jeno and I, well the royals have distinguishing characters like our blonde hair and golden eyes plus the two possessed power." Mark informed.

"As for our clan we have jet black hair and of course the royals having golden eyes and shadow power." Renjun added to clear the confusion in Jaemin.

"So Jeno is supposed to have two powers like you guys but he only have one at the moment and it's visiting dreams---"

"And putting you to sleep." Renjun cut off Jaemin.


"I can hypnotize but I can't put you to sleep at my will Nana. Only him." Mark stated backing up Renjun.

"Oh but when Jeno acquires his second power, he still cannot use or control it so what's the point of finding it out?" Na Jaemin got a lot of questions running in his head and he's gonna get answers for it one by one.

"That makes Jeno-hyung the strongest among us because he can control both if his powers." Chenle stated leaning on Jisung.

"So you've been looking for Jeno's lost heart? How are you doing so far?" Jaemin asked looking at Jeno with so much concern.

"We are doing well I guess. When we reached this place is also the same time I acquired my power to enter and manipulate dream. There's nothing to worry about Nana. I'll be fine." Jeno said looking down at Jaemin on his shoulder pecking the younger's nose showing his sweet smile.

"Your heart is hidden somewhere in this place. I hope you guys find it sooner." Jaemin said returning the kiss to Jeno by pecking the older's cheeks.

A comfortable silence enveloped the room after that long discussion about the vampires and Jeno's heart. Donghyuck is slowly falling asleep on the floor with his head rested on Mark's lap as the older male cards his fingers to Donghyuck's hair making the younger feel more relaxed. Chenle is situated between Jisung legs as he leans on the taller male's chest with Jisung's arms locked around his small waist. Jaemin is also dozing off but he refrains himself from doing so wanting to look out for Kaira since Renjun and Suji are downstairs waiting for some aid to arrive.

"Nana sleep, I will look out for Kaira." Jeno softly said.

"No. I will--"

"Sweetheart fall---"

Emphatic Vampire (NCT NoMin)Where stories live. Discover now