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(Wattpad says this is part 22 lmao okay.)
(I was gonna do femlock but lost the idea I had for that so fück-)
(Victorian angst? Idk.)

Jim rested his forehead against the window, staring out the window yet not looking at anything in particular.

Moran sighed softly from his seat across from Moriarty, leaning over to the other slightly. "Prof-"

Moriarty shot him a look that said "not now". Moran sighed a little, shutting his mouth and turning his gaze to the window.

The rest of the ride was filled with heavy silence.


"Professor, I know you're probably mad at me, but I can assure you that I knew what I was doing-"

"Because getting shot is apparently knowing what you're doing!" Moriarty snapped back, glaring at Sebastian.

"It doesn't hurt, and I'm fine, professor." Moran sighed, crossing his arms.

"You still took a huge risk." Moriarty shook his head. "Idiot."

"Sorry, professor. Won't happen again."

Moriarty just sighed, resting his forehead against Moran's chest.

A small sign of forgiveness.

Moran almost smiled, gently enveloping the other in a hug.


"Professor!" Moran shouted, his voice a weak mumble compared to the waterfall. He scanned the waters with blurry vision, scrambling down the slippy slope.

He almost dived into the water, searching desperately.

Was this how Moriarty felt that day?

He finally grasped someone's hand, yanking them forward.

"Professor-please be alive, damnït-" Moran mumbled, pulling whoever it was to land.

"Sweet, please."

Moran's soft beg was unheard. He rested his forehead against Moriarty's chest, holding back sobs.

A sign of forgiveness.

A/n: I can't do symbolism :/

Mormor Oneshots 2 (**Discontinued**)Where stories live. Discover now