Chapter 1

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Zains POV

Today is my birthday I am finally able to move out of my house away from my abusive and drunk of a dad.

My plan was to finish school this year and hopefully go to college with the money I have saved over the last two years due to part time jobs I have done in that time i.e. cutting neighbours lawn, walking dogs baby sitting etc. I also have the money that was left by my grandparents which thankfully my dad does not know about as my mum hid all details from him. Before my mum left she left me a note to tell me she was leaving and that when I am eighteen to look under my floor boards near the head of the bed as she left me everything I need to start a new life.

Before I do all that I need to school as per usual today, as my dad is in the house.

Later that day

As I went into the cafeteria for lunch Nate my best friend was there waiting for me to get my schedule for the year as I decided to change a few subjects for the rest of the year.

When I am at school I am outgoing and very vocal but at home it is a different story because my dad as I mentioned before he always blames me for my mom leaving so he uses me as a punishing bag.

When I got home it was late, I threw my bag down and went to the kitchen. When I heard my dad's voice in there, he was standing by the counter with a bloody nose. I went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water.

"What the fuck happened to you"

My dad turn to glare at me.

"I don't have time for your games now boy, this is important". My dad pushed me back on the counter making me hiss in pain and the water to spill.

"What is it?" I whimpered

His dad took a deep breath before beginning

"When your mother left I lost my job. So I got some money from from various people to buy the club. One of the people I got the money from was someone who always get their debt no matter what it is. He said I could have the money but in 6 years' time he will come back and he will collect. I don't have anything to give  him and I don't want to lose my club so we came to an agreement that I did not need to pay the debt but in return he wanted something".....

"That something was you."

"I didn't have a choice!!"

"You fucking had a choice, you chose your club over your fucking son!"

"Well I like my business better than you faggot!"

I threw my bottle in the sink and stormed upstairs collected all my stuff which I had previously packed plus got everything under the floorboards what my mom left.

Before leaving the house I turned around to my dad and said " today is my birthday anyway so fuck you I am leaving."

As I was walking out of the drive I noticed a black SUV parking down the street with people in it. I ignored it and carried on walking.

I kicked the bin by a mailbox and watched it rolled into the road but I didn't care I was to upset in thinking what just happened.

Suddenly a car pulled next to me, I realized at that point it was the same SUV which I had previously seen. The four doors open and that was enough time for me to take off running. I didn't get too far though as it  was like me taking baby steps. My arms were both grabbed and all of a sudden I was being lifted off the ground and taking to the back to the SUV.

Falling for The Mafia (Book 1 of the Mafia Series) Re Written Dec 2018Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora