Chelsea and Calum Hood

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Aye Chelsea, hope you like it!


Within a minute i was all packed up
I've got a ticket to another world

I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go
The silent words are hard to speak,
When your thoughts are all i see,
"Don't ever leave." She said to me.

I folded one last shirt before zipping up my suitcase. I doubled checked making sure i had everything. Passport, plane ticket, earphones. I sighed, turning towards my girlfriend of 2 years.

There she sat, on my bed. Her hands delicately placed in her lap, phone in hand. I knew she was trying not to cry. 

I really didn't want to leave her, but with the band taking off, we were going for our headlining tour in North America and she couldn't come with us.

I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her onto my lap. I kissed her forehead, mumbling a soft, "I love you."

"I love you too Cal." I heard her sniffle, before she buried her head in my chest, hugging me tightly. 'Don't ever leave." She said to me.

"I wish i didn't have to babe. I wish i could stay, or you could come with us." I pulled her impossibly closer, kissing her head once again.

"I'm gonna miss you." She whispered, looking up at me. I could see the tears threatening to fall, her eyes glassy and a small pout on her lips. I leaned down, kissing her lips softly, throwing all the passion and love in it.

When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky,
To the beat of our hearts at the same time,
So close, but so far away,
(Can you hear me?)

I felt her shift slightly in my arms as we lied down onto my bed. Her arms wrapped around me tightly, afraid that this would be the last time i held her. I heard her soft snores and light breathing. It was as if her heart was in sync with mine, our hearts beating at the same time.

We're so close but so far away.

She sleeps alone.
My heart wants to come home.
I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.
She lies awake.
I'm trying to find the words to say.
I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

I dialed her number, praying that she answered.

"Hello?" She answered groggily.

"Hey babe." I whispered.

"Oh, hey Cal. How's tour?"

'It's good, i didn't wake you did I?" I knew she hasn't been sleeping well and if i had woken her up, i knew she wouldn't fall back asleep for a while.

"It's okay, i have to get up in a few hours anyways." She yawned.

"Chelsea, I-" I sighed. How do i tell her? 

How do i tell her i regret leaving her and just wish she was in my arms and beside me? How do i tell the love of my life that?

"Yeah? What's up Cal?"

"I love you." I could practically hear the smile on her face.

"I love you too."

Another day and I'm somewhere new.
I made a promise that I'll come home soon.
Bring me back, bring me back to you.

"Where are you today Cal?"

"Toronto Canada."

"Really?! That's so far." She said slightly amazed, slightly upset.

"I know. But i'll be home soon. The tour is almost over and then i'll be able to hold you in my arms again." I sighed, wishing i could be there, with her, right now.

Just like before.

When we both wake up underneath the same sun.
Time stops, I wish that I could rewind.
So close but so far away.

I turned to my side to see her lying beside me. Her eyes closed, mouth slightly agape. soft breaths and snores escaping her mouth. 

I can't believe she's hear, beside me. The boys had surprised me, saying i was always such a downer and the couldn't stand me not being my happy self. So they flew her out to see me, best gift someone could give me.

"Morning." She mumbled, her eyes fluttering open.

I smiled, leaning down and capturing her lips with mine. I missed them so much. I missed everything about her. Every curve, every freckle, every scar, every inch of her i missed. Her smile, her eyes, her laugh. The cute little way her nose would scrunch up when she sneezed.

I just missed her and i couldn't be happier. 

If time stopped right now, i would be perfectly content. This moment right now, it was perfect.

The pieces of us both
Under every city light
And they're shining as we fade into the night

"If you guys didn't know, Calum's girlfriend Chelsea is in the audience." Luke spoke, a smirk on his face.

"They haven't seen each other in months and we thought we would let Cal take this next one." Ashton added as he began the beginning beat of Wherever You Are.

I smiled down at her before singing the first lyrics of the song that described everything i felt.

She sleeps alone.
My heart wants to come home.
I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.
She lies awake.
I'm trying to find the words to say.
I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

I stepped quietly into her room. She was still awake. The glow of her phone illuminating her face. She looked so peaceful, at so much ease. She had her earphones in, so she didn't hear me come in. 

I carefully pulled off my shoes, and walked over to her, stopping in front of the bed. She put her phone down, searching the room before he eyes landed on me.

"Calum?! You're home early!" she exclaimed, jumping up and hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her off the bed and spinning her in a circle.

"I missed you so much." I whispered, placing her on the ground.

'I missed you too." I pulled her closer to me by the waist, connecting our lips.

Words couldn't describe how much i missed her.

'i love you so much." I spoke again, resting my head against hers.

"i love you more."

'Not possible." I chuckled, leaning down and kissing her again.

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