Austin Mahone and Zeynep

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Hey Zee! I remembered you wanted me to write you this back in May! I just had other ones at the time! Hope you like it!


"So Zee, any new crushes lately?" My best friend, Jori asked me. She went to Australia for a few weeks and she just got back.

"No! You ask me this question like every month! Don't you understand that if i start to like someone I'm going to tell you?" I asked her.

"But i just got back, soooo, you might have not had the time to tell me!" She replied triumphily . I just laughed at her.

"Shit! I'll see you in class Jor! I got to show this new kid around! See yah later!" I stated looking at my watch and running off. She just shook her head at my forgetfulness, waving bye to me.

I walked into the main office greeting the sectary.

"Hello Mrs. Walker!"

"Oh! Zeynep! You're right on time. Austin has just arrived!" She said getting up and leading me to the back. "Austin, this is Zeynep. She's going to be showing you around." I walked up to him sticking my hand out.

"Hey! I'm Zeynep!"

"Austin." He replied shaking my hand. I quickly examined him. He had a brown hair and wore a Orange beanie on top, only showing a little hair. He had tannish skin, as if he was raised in the sun. He was wearing a white t-shirt and some fitted black jeans with a pair of Jordan's. His eyes were a blueish greenish colour. I could get lost in them. I snapped out of my trance smiling at him.

"So! Let's see your schedule." He pulled it out of his bag. I looked it over quickly before handing it back.

"You have almost all the same classes as me! We have math first. Let's go!"

"Zeynep! Show him around the school first." Mrs. Walker told me. I nodded.

" I guess i'll show you where your locker is. What's your number?"

"Um... 213." He told me. His voice was deep, yet still a little high.

"Hey! That's right beside Jori's!" I exclaimed.

"Is that a bad thing?" i looked at him shocked.

"What!? Jori is like one of the nicest people you'll ever meet! You'll probably become great friends with her! She may come off as shy at first, but don't worry she'll open up eventually." I told him showing him his locker. He opened it putting his stuff in.

"We have math and science right?" He asked me. I nodded. He grabbed his textbooks and his materials before we started walking towards math.

"20 questions?" I asked him.

"Sure! You first!"

"Full name?"

"Austin Mahone." I nodded. "Favourite colour?"

"Purple"<What is your fav colour Zee?> He nodded.

"What do you like to do for fun?" I asked.

"Well, don't tell anyone, but sing." He told me looking down from embarrassment.

"Why you embarrassed? That's cool! You any good?" He just shrugged his shoulders. We walked into the class, showing my teacher the note as to why we were late. I walked to my seat beside Jori and started on the work.

*3 months later.*

"Jooorrri! Where's da food at?!" Austin complained to her. It's been three months and they've become the best of friends! I think there more than that. To be honest, that kind of pisses me off. I met him first and then somehow they became super close. Me and Austin are close, but not as close as they are.

"UGH! Austin! Where else would it be?! It's in the kitchen!" She replied to him.

"Can you get me some?!" She laughed.

"No! You get it yourself lazy ass!" She retaliated back.

"C'mon please???" He said looking at her with this look.

"Fine!" She groaned. She slapped his head walking into the kitchen.

"Ow!" I laughed at there weirdness.

"So Zeynep!" He said popping the 'p' "How's life? Any new crushes lately?" He asked me.

"Life's good. And I don't see why you and Jori always ask me that question." I watched as his eyes fell to my lips and then back to my eyes.

"So I can know If I'm allowed to do this!" Suddenly I felt a pair of warm lips on mind. I sat there frozen, before realizing that my crush was kissing me! I kissed back and I felt him smile in the kiss.

"So you do have a crush."


Hey Zee! I hope you liked it! Little surprise one shot you know? Don't worry, you don't have to write me one! :p


twitter: @JorJor56

Stay lovely! <3 ~Jori

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