Jessica and Josh Winnington

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Jessica and Josh Winnington. Picture on the side is Josh and the song is Super Beach Kids By Cody Simpson.


Meet Jessica. She has brunette hair and light brown eyes.
She lives in Amsterdam Holland. She's one of the star soccer players on her school's and outside league team.
She has two best friends. Tonya and Jori. Jessica is a good soccer player alone, but when her, and her two best friends are playing together... The opposing team better be prepared.


I held the ball under my right foot, scanning the field looking for an open pass. I looked to the left to see Jori being blocked, luckily on my right Tonya was open. I faked going left and then went right passing the ball to Tonya. She caught the pass and started dribbling the ball down the field. We ran down the field passing the ball back and forth between players. It was down to the last few seconds. The whole team was counting on me to get this goal. I planned what I was gonna do, before running towards the net. I kicked the ball not aiming for the net but for Jori and with that she kicked the ball, winning us the game.

The team erupted in cheers, as did the audience. We grabbed our water bottles before walking into the change room, shaking the other teams hands on the way.

We all quickly showered, changing into our own styles. I was wearing a white tank top tucked into a pair of multicoloured high waisted shorts that went mid thigh and some Vans. Tonya wore a yellow sun dress that went mid thighs, while Jori wore a white loose tank top, that had a orange/red sunset scene in the middle. A pair of denim shorts and her old dirty Vans. She threw on her snapback as we walked out of the changing area and started walking out of the field area

"Good game today girls!" Our coach told us.

"Thanks. We could of did better though." Tonya replied. Jori and I said yeah, agreeing with her. It's true! We only beat them by one point!

I looked over to see Jori texting someone.

"Who you talking to?" I asked her looking over at her screen.

"Cody. He said he would come to our game today. Since he's here for a few days." I watched as she looked around the stands for him. All of sudden she started running towards the left side of the stands. I looked to see Cody and a boy with short dark curly hair. Probably one of his friends. As she was running she tripped over her own feet falling on the grass. Tonya and I burst out into laughter! She's such a clutz!

"Jori! How can you be such a good player but such a clutz!?" Tonya asked as we ran over to her.

"Oh I'm fine. Thanks for asking." She said sarcastically, getting up.

"Sorry! It was just so funny!" I told her as we all continued walking and Cody was now running towards us.

"Nice to know that when I fall you guys laugh!" She said trying to be serious but we all ended up laughing any ways.


"Hey Cody! I thought we were going to go see your girlfriend?" I was on tour with him for the summer and he was visiting his girlfriend Jori in Amsterdam.

"We are."

"Then why are we at a high school football(soccer) game?"

"Because she's a football player. Did I not tell you?" He asked me.

"Your dating a football player!? You don't even like soccer!"

"Yeah I know. But we have other things in common and she's beautiful. Now just watch the game." He said as we sat down, hoping that Cody never got noticed.

"What number is she?" I asked Cody.

"56." I searched the field for her and before i spotted her, number 19 caught my eye. She had the ball under her foot, looking for someone to pass to. She was beautiful! She had brown hair with some blonde high lights. Even though she was in her uniform she still looked amazing! She had the right curves.

"Hey dude, who's number 19?"

"That's Jessica, she's one of Jori's best friends, why?" He asked looking at me.

"She's beautiful..." I trailed off.

"Yo Josh! Don't fall for her! She doesn't come easy... Jake tried too. She's hard to get. It's hard to impress her. Take my advice man, I saw how Jake struggled, and you're gonna struggle just as much!" He warned me.

"She'll fall for me bro. It's hard to resist this awesome super beach kid." I shooed him off.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."


"Hey Codes!" Jori exclaimed hugging her boyfriend.

"Hey babe! I brought Josh today." He told her. So that's the boys name. Now that I had a closer look at him, he was a cutie. He had short dark brown curly hair. He looked to be about 5,10. He was wearing a pair of salmon shorts, and a white polo shirt. Interesting style he has. From what I could see he had a pretty toned body, I've seen better, but he was decent.

"Hey I'm Josh." He said in a thick Australian accent, sticking his hand out towards me.

"Jessica." I replied shaking it.

"You, me. Dinner tonight?" He asked me. I laughed.

"Ha! You think I come that easily? Think again pretty boy." I replied.

"Hate to say I told you so, but I told you so." Cody told him.

"Jess. Come." Tonya said motioning for me to follow her and Jori. I obeyed as we walked a little away from the boys.

"What's up?" I asked them.

"Why do you reject guys like that? He's asking you out on a date, and you said no! Jessica, Josh is a good guy. And I promise you, he won't hurt you." Jori told me.

"He can't just expect me to just go out on a date with him! I've done that before and you already know what happened!" I argued back. They both sighed.

"Not all guys are like that though. Jess give him a chance?" Tonya said. I sighed.

"I guess I could. But I can't go over there and be like "sure ill go on a date with you!" So I'll just have to stick to what I usually do."

"True." We all walked back towards the boys.

"Since you girls won the game, how about me and Josh treat all three of you to dinner? It's on us." Cody offered.

"That would be great!" Jori exclaimed. I don't really get her and Cody's relationship. There together but they don't show it in public. And it's not like there hiding it from Cody's fans, but like the most they'll do is he'll kiss her on the cheek, or hold her hand. He'll never legit kiss her. I don't ask about there relationship though, they seem happy.

"Thanks for dinner guys!" Tonya exclaimed as we dropped her off at her house.

"You still on for tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Yeah for sure! 11 right?" I nodded. And she waved walking into her house.

"Jess where's your house?" Cody asked me.

"I'm staying at Jori's tonight." I replied.

"I guess it's a party, 'cause me and Josh are too!" Cody replied. I looked at Jori before pulling out my phone. Touché she's right beside me, but the boys can't hear what I have to say.

'There staying at your house too!? I was going to tell you what I thought about Josh, but I guess that'll have to wait!' I texted her. She jumped as her phone beeped in her pocket. She pulled it out looking at me,


"Just read it!" I watched as her eyes scanned the screen.

"You like him!?" She practically yelled.

"Yup! Go and tell the whole world!" I sarcastically replied glaring at her.

"Sorry." She apologized. I just shook my head.

"Who do you like?" Josh asked me.

"Oh no one you know!" I laughed awkwardly. I swear I'm gonna strangle this girl. He just shrugged it off. "Thank god." I mumbled to myself.

"You guys want snacks for the movie?" Jori questioned us.

"Do you even have to ask!?" I replied. She laughed before getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"Need some help babe?" Cody asked following her. I swear he's like a lost puppy without her.

With both them gone, I was left alone with Josh. I looked around the room, searching for him but he was no where in sight. I was about to call for him when my mouth was covered. I was trying to scream when,

"Shh. Close your eyes and Listen to me talking. We are the thought provoking, softly spoken, heart wide open, chill emotion kind of guys who shred on boards standing in the ocean. Let me take you boating, I have an ocean. If you're tanning baby, I'm your lotion.(ooh sexual LOL!) Just some beach kids acting up." He huskily whispered in my ear, making a shiver go down my spine.

I couldn't breathe. The effect this boy has on me and I just met him today. I regained my composure before replying,

"You think that's supposed to change my mind?" I said standing up and facing him. His face dropped for a second before he smiled again.

"I don't know did it?" He said cockily.

"Hmm? You'll have to try and see." I said turning around. I could hear his footsteps behind me as he approached turning me around. He took his index finger raising my head so I was looking at his brown eyes. Soon I felt a pair of lips on mine and I got lost in the moment. I melted in his presences. He pulled away slightly that I could still feel his breath on my lips.

"Super Beach Kids always works. How do you think Cody got Jori?" He whispered before closing the gap between us. I could hear faint cheering in the background from Jori and Cody. I laughed in the kiss before pulling away and throwing the pillow towards them.

"Hey!" I heard Jori yell. I turned towards her sticking my tongue out and saying,

"Shut up and go make out with your boyfriend or something!" I said throwing another pillow at them.

Hey Jess! I hope you like it! I added soccer and super beach kids! I know you love it!

Want a one shot? Make sure to leave a comment on the application page. I'll do almost anything.

Twitter: @JorJor56


Stay beachy! <3~Jori

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