Joana and Jc Caylen

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Hope you like it Joana!!!

Joana & Jc Caylen

I walked out of my bathroom, just finishing up my makeup. Just the usual, foundation, mascara and some eye liner.

Today's one of those rare days I try to look good.

I wore my blue jeans that were ripped up the thighs, with a half sleeve mesh sweater. It was spring time, my favourite season.

Something about seeing the tress growing their leaves back, and flowers blooming. The smell just after a rainfall. All things I love.

I looked in my mirror, pretty satisfied with my outfit choice today. My hair was in its natural wavy look, reaching my mid back.

I heard my phone start blaring out my ringtone. I ran over looking at the caller ID.

'Cloudy' I laughed at what he put his name as.

"Hello?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"Hey Joana. So like I can't pick you up today, I'm gonna be late for school." He told me. I sighed.

"Again Jc? You have to stop being late!" I scolded him.

"Sorry! You know I don't like being there early!"

"You could at least try and be on time sometimes. You know if you have too many lates you can't graduate right?" I told him. We were in our senior year of high school and the last thing I want to happen is not be able to graduate with my best friend.

"Yeah I know. I'll see you soon yeah?"

"Yeah what ever." I muttered.

"Hey! Don't get mad! You know I'll make it up to you."

"Yeah I know Jc. I gotta go, I have to catch the bus. I'll see you later." I replied grabbing my bag, slipping it over my shoulder.

"Bye bye J!" He said over excitedly. I laughed slightly.

"Bye Justin." I replied before hanging up.

He can always make me smile. No matter how annoyed or mad i am with him, he always manages to get me to smile.

But what do you expect from a best friend right?

And a crush? Okay maybe it's more then a crush.

There's just something about him.

I sighed walking out of my room and down the stairs towards the kitchen.

"Morning mom!" I greeted grabbing an apple.

"Aren't you gonna have breakfast?" She asked me.

"Don't have time. Gotta catch the bus." I replied walking to the front and putting on my all black Converse.

"I thought Jc was picking you up?"

"Yeah he can't make it. I'll see you later!" I said kissing her cheek before rushing out of my house and down the street to the bus stop, just on time.

"You're lucky there was a delay Joana." The bus driver stated.

"Sorry Dan, was planning to get a ride but they bailed." I told him as I walked towards my usual spot on the bus.

"Hey Joana!" I heard my friend Selena yell as I approached her.

"No need to yell now." I told her as I sat beside her.

"So, what happened with Jc? I thought you were getting a ride with him?"

"Yeah, he's gonna be late." I replied.

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