Kim and Justin Bieber

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So like shout out to my best friend Zee cause she wrote this cause I had no idea what to do. You can follow her @zeynepkay

Hope you like it!

Kim and Justin Bieber


Kim's POV

I sat in the passenger seat with a ton of mixed emotions. Nervousness, anxiousness and most importantly, excitement. I was currently being rushed to the hospital because my water broke!

My husband, Justin and I were hosting a small get together with family. We weren't really celebrating anything. It's just a gathering we have once in a while to catch up with one another.

I wasn't really worried about the baby just yet because i wasn't due for another week. But i guess the baby was anxious to get out.

So right now Justin is speeding off to the hospital, with one hand on the wheel and the other holding my hand. To be honest, he looked more nervous than I did. During the pregnancy he would always go on and on about wither he'll be a good father. But i obviously have no doubt that he'll be an excellent dad, I mean have you seen him? He is just so good with kids.

"Hold on baby, were almost there. Just take deep breathes." He said while keeping his eyes on the road but glancing at me once in a while.

I began to breathe in the way he instructed and tried so hard to ignore my contractions. As on time, Justin stopped in front of the emergency part of the hospital. He gets out of the car and rushes to my side of the car, to assist me into the hospital. As i walk inside i saw the whole family following from behind.

After signing us in there was a nurse that brought me a wheelchair and took me to my room. Fortunately, i was allowed to have three people in the room with me, so i chose My mum, Pattie and obviously Justin.

The nurse came in and gave me a smile. She checked my heart rate and the babies and checked down there. "Okay sweetheart, you are fully dilated. Congrats! I'll call in the doctor and we'll start with the pushing." She excitedly says and leaves the room.

I glance over to Justin and give him a weak smile. "Hey baby, your going to do fine. You are so strong and I love you." He kissed the back of my hand and I looked over to my mom and Pattie that were currently sitting on the couch. I could see my mum shedding a couple tears and Pattie was just smiling. "Ohh, my baby is having her own baby" my mum said. I pouted and looked at her in the eyes.

"Mommy, your going to make me cry." I said while looking up to the ceiling, trying to make my tears disappear.

"Come on guys, no crying today. The only person that's allowed to cry is the baby when it comes out of you." Pattie says and causes all of us to laugh. Right then the doctor makes an entrance.

"I'm happy to see all your moods are good. Now, let's deliver a baby." He happily says and walks to the end of the bed and puts on gloves.

"Wasn't there any female doctors available? " Justin questions and the doctor chuckles.

"I understand that you would request for a women doctor. But I assure you Mr. Bieber, that you wife is just a normal patient and I am just doing my job." He said and Justin nodded.

"Okay Mrs. Bieber, I need you to push on the count of three but keep breathing steadily."he said and I nodded.

"One.... Two....three. Push!" It took everything in me, but I did it, I pushed.

"That was fantastic, now once more and you'll have your baby." The doctor said which caused me to smile widely.

"Pushhh! "He said and I gave it my everything. The next noise I heard was the fragile cries of my baby.

"It's a girl!" The doctor said, cleaning up the baby a bit and handing her over to me. The second I lay my eyes on her, I knew I wouldn't see anything as beautiful as her.

"She's perfect" Justin whispers while not looking away from her.

"Yeah. And she's ours." I smile and give her a kiss on her forehead.

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