Selena and James Reimer

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"Jori hide me!" I stated hiding behind my best friend.

"What why?" She laughed turning around to face me.

"He's right there!" I said pointing towards my crush. She turned around and smiled.

"Oh hey look! Shawn is there too! Let's go say hi!" She said grabbing my wrist!

"What!? Are you crazy? There's no way I'm going over there!" I said slipping out of her grip and walking towards my locker.

"C'mon Selena! You're never gonna win him over if you never talk to him!"

"Hey! I have talked to him!"

"Oh when was that?"

"Yesterday in English."

"How? I was there with you all English!"

"Not when you went to the caf with Shawn."

"Oh yeah true. So what'd he say?" She asked as I opened my locker.

"He asked if I had some white out."

"That's it?" She asked shocked. "I thought you had an actual conversation!" She groaned leaning against the locker beside mine.

"Oh c'mon I can't be that bad!" A male voice said behind me. I turned around to see Shawn and the boy who makes me nervous, James.

"Hey Shawn." Jori stated hugging him.

"No hi for me huh?" James stated towards Jori.

"Well you weren't the one talking to me huh?" She sassed back. Shawn and I laughed. James then looked at me and smiled his sweet smile.

I swear I almost melted right there.

"You're coming to my game tonight right?" Shawn asked Jori.

"I didn't get time to get tickets." She stated.

"Well lucky for you I just so happen to have tickets!" Shawn stated proudly. "And I got two so Selena, you can go too!" He said handing us each a ticket.

"You up for it Selena?" Jori asked me with a glint of hope and something else in her eyes.

"Yeah why not?" Jori smiled and winked at me before turning towards James.

"Are you playing today too James?"

"Yeah." Wait what? James is on the hockey team too?

"How about this. If we win we take you girls out for pizza. If we lose, we still take you out for pizza. So were going out for pizza after the game." Shawn stated.

"I'm not gonna turn down an offer for free food!" Jori stated high fiving Shawn.

"Okay. See you girls in Math yeah?" James stated. We both nodded before heading up to our first period class. Science, ugh.

"Looks like you're gonna have to have conversation with him now." Jori stated poking my cheek.

"I swear you planned this with Shawn."

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." She said skipping down the hall.

"Wait for me you loser!" I yelled after her, not caring for peoples weird looks at us.


"JORI!" I yelled running across the hallway towards her locker.

"What's wrong?" She asked pulling out two juice boxes and tossing one to me.

"My mom said I can't go to the game!" I complained.

"Are you serious?!"

"Totally serious! Please help me convince my mom to let me go!"

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