Jay McGuiness and Jessica

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Once again this one shot is dedicated to my very best friend @TheEpicJess. This is Jay from The Wanted. It's a AU one shot.

I was sleeping in my nice and comfy bed when I was woken by my best friend Jay. I wish he was more than my best friend though. We've been best friends since we were 5. I remember the day we met;


I was swinging on the swings when a boy with curly hair walked up to me.

"Hi my name is Jay, what's yours?" I got off the swing and walked towards him.

"Jessica! You wanna go play on the slide!?"


Flashback over:

And we've been best friends since. When I was 13 I realized that I fancied him a little. I pushed the feelings away though because I knew he didn't like me back. I'm now 17 and in love with him. But you know what? I know he doesn't love me back though. Besides he even has a girlfriend. She is a bitch though, but I don't show it towards Jay though because she makes him happy, and I'm happy if he's happy. Well on the outside I'm happy, but on the inside its a different story.

"Wake up Jess! Wake up!" He yelled in my ear.

"What!?" I groaned covering my head with my pillow.

"It's our 12th anniversary as best friends remember?" I sat up from my resting position. That's right! But it's also Valentines day.

"Yes I know but it's also Valentines day. Aren't you supposed to be spending it with Karen?"

"Well... I broke it off with her because I like someone else." I frowned but soon replaced it with a smile. Of course he likes someone else.

"Oh. So who is it?" He smiled.

"I can't tell you just yet." I pouted.

"So you can't tell your best friend on our anniversary. I see how it is!" I faked being mad. He laughed.

"I'll tell you later babe." Babe? He rarely calls me babe. I shrugged it off hugging him.

"Now, get out so I can change." He chuckled nodding and walking out of my room. I quickly changed into a pair of dark denim skinny jeans and a black sweater that says; 'Cool story bro, tell it again.' I slipped on a beanie and some gladiators, before walking into my bathroom doing my usual routine when I get up in the morning.

I walked out of my room expecting to see Jay waiting but he wasn't, the only thing I saw was a note taped to my door.

'Hi beautiful, walk downstairs where you'll see a flower.' Beautiful? That's nothing different, he always calls me beautiful or Bella. But why would there be a flower? I still followed his note and when I got downstairs there was one single white rose. I smiled, he knows me too well. I looked at the note attached to it.

'Yay! You found it! Now make sure to take the rose with you as you walk over to the Starbucks we went to yesterday. :p - Jay.'

"What is he doing?" I whispered to myself before walking out of my house and towards Starbucks we always go to. I walked in expecting to see him, but I didn't. I frowned a little but ordered a hot chocolate. When they called my name, there was not only my hot chocolate but another note and another white rose. I smiled.

'Didn't you use your real name did you Katy? Well now you have two roses. You know the music shop? Now head there. There's another surprise. - James' I laughed at the name he always uses when we go to Starbucks.

I walked into the store to hear mine and Jay's favourite song at the moment playing. "Got Me Good" by Cody Simpson. I laughed looking around the store for another note. And guess what? There was one, with a white rose too.

'This song explains how I feel about you so much. Now go to out school where you will see Nathan. - Jay'

It explains how he feels about me? Does that mean he likes me too? I shrugged it off and headed towards my school, where I saw Nathan standing there with yet another rose and note. He gave it to me before walking away.

'So now you have four? Remember that forest we found when we 10? Head there now. -Jay'

I nodded to myself walking towards the forest. I entered the little path way and looked at the scenery around me. There wasn't much snow, but there was some and it looked so beautiful. I noticed on the rock where me and Jay watched the clouds was a 5th rose and 6th letter.

'Remember that day where we just lied here watching clouds, hand intertwined? I do. I loved that moment where we felt like it was only us in the world. Now you know the play place we went to on your 11th birthday? That's your next destination. -Jay'

I started skipping towards the place place, excitement taking over me. As I reached there was a little boy who looked alot like Jay actually, handed me my 6th rose and 7th letter.

'Doesn't the little boy look alot like moi? Anyways so now you have 6 roses and and 7 notes, correct? Now remember when I broke my wrist when I was 12? Head to the emergency room in the hospital, where you'll see the same doctor who treated me. Oh and see you soon! -Jay'

See him soon? How long is soon? I want to thank him for doing all this! I sped walk towards the hospital, where he was right. There was the same doctor that treated him. He didn't say word but handed me my 7th rose and another note.

'Remind me to thank him. So now your 13.. What did we do on the weekend of your 13th birthday? -Jay'

Where did we go on my 13th birthday? The beach! I quickly walked to the beach practically running. Where i saw another white rose and a note wrapped in a beach towel.

'So 8 roses and 9 letters? We're almost there. I know your anticipated to see me! So your next destination is... The cinema. Our 9th anniversary? Cya soon Bella!-Jay'

I ran to the Cinema, where I saw Nathan once again holding a white rose and note. 9 roses now. Wait...?? I know what he's doing now!

'So my 15th birthday.... What happened that day? I clearly remember that day because that's the day i realized I'm in love with you. To find the next note, where did that incident happen hmm? -Your Prince.'

My prince exactly. On his 15th birthday we kissed. It was both our first kisses, so why not help each other out right? I slowly walked over to his house going over the notes, trying to figure out where the next place I'll have to go to will be. I knocked on his door, where his mom answered. Before I could say anything she handed me another rose and note.

'One more place and then you can see me okay? Want a riddle? Probably not. Well here is one; "Ride the roller coaster that's life" -Jay'

Ride the roller coaster that's life...? Ride? No. Life? No. Roller coaster? The amusement park! I walked towards the amusement park, tired from all of the walking I have been doing. Once I arrived at the park, I didn't have to go far before I saw a single white rose and a note.

'You finally get to see me! And I get to see you! So 11 roses huh? We went to the amusement park on our 11th anniversary did we not? Yes indeed we did! Okay so your probably wondering where I am? Where did we meet? See you soon babe! -Jay'

I ran towards my best friend and the love of my life, where he awaited in the park we first met when we were 5.

Once I reached the park, the first thing I saw was him in a black and white tuxedo. He looked up from his watch, to look me dead in the eyes. He had one single white rose. I walked over to him and looking up at him.

"Hello beautiful."

"Hello handsome. You didn't have to do all this you know?"

"Oh yes I did. Not only is this our 12th anniversary it is also the day that we become a couple." He took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Jessica, I love you so so much! We met when we were 5. How many friendships last that long? Not many. And that must mean it was fate for us to meet. And I swear to god I'm so glad we did meet. You know why? Because then I wouldn't have met my best friend, my shoulder to cry on and my soul mate! I am truly madly deeply in love with you." He said before placing a soft loving kiss on her lips.

He pulled away saying, "now I give you this 12th rose for how many years we have known each other. I will love you till this last rise dies."

The rose was plastic

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