Chelsea and Harry Styles

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This is my first Harry Styles one shot, so feel special hoe.


"So big announcement guys!" Jori exclaimed to our camera. We were recording a video for our youtube channel. We had just over 1 Million subscribers and counting. "As you all know, my boyfriend Calum Hood from 5 Seconds Of Summer is going on tour soon."

"And since we've got along with the rest of the boys so much, they actually asked us to come on tour with them. Cause god knows Calum can't live without this hoe, don't ask me why."

"Hey! I can hear you!"

"That's the point." She mumbled something under her breath, before looking back up at the camera.

"So anyways, since we won't be able to have wifi all the time, we won't have enough time to post videos 5 days a week like we usually do. So we're gonna probably post 2 or 3 a week. We hope you guys are okay with that." Jori explained.

"But don't fret. If you miss our videos so much, we decided to make a vlogging channel to catch all the stuff that will happen on tour and stuff. It's called Band Inc 0.2 because we're cool like that." I added with a wink.

"So the link for It will be in the description along with our twitters, instagrams and tumblrs."

"If you liked this video of us reviewing 5 Seconds Of Summer's Amnesia music video, make sure to give it a like and share maybe."

"Well, we've gotta go, we'll see you guys tomorrow. Band Inc out!" I clasped my hand over the camera, removing it off a bit,

"And remember! Don't be afraid to request anything you want us to talk about, or review and all that stuff." Jori said concluding our usual outro.

I turned off the camera, hooking it up to Jori's MacBook.

"I'm shocked that only took us three takes." I told her, as I logged into the laptop and clicked open our editing app.

"I know. The boys are so gonna bug us about this video." She laughed.

"I know right. But it's what our fans wanted, so we reviewed it, even though we were in it." She nodded, agreeing with me.

"The boys want to meet up later for dinner, you in?" She asked me, I nodded. I clicked on various things, editing the video. We don't do major editing to our videos unless we review a music video. Usually we talk about bands, artist, songs those types of things. We only review music videos if they're requested enough times.

"I never knew adding music videos to a video could be so hard." I complained. "You could help me you know." I said, turning in my seat and facing her. She had a huge smile on her face, her phone in hand. I grabbed a pen, throwing it at her.

"Ow! what the hell? That hurt!" She complained.

"Sure it did. Just tweet something saying our video will be out soon." She nodded returning to her phone.

I clicked various effects, and sounds adding them to necessary parts of the video. My phone then beeped in my pocket. I looked it over seeing the tweet she sent out,

@JorJor56: Chelsea is editing our video! We reviewed a music video and there's an announcement. It will be out in a few hours! :D

It then beeped again,

@BandIncYT: New video in a few hours! We reviewed a music video that was highly requested and there's an announcement. Make sure to watch!

"Now come help me finish editing." She groaned before pulling a chair up as we began to finish off editing on our video.

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