Susie and Justin Bieber

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I decided to make this an AU one shot, it just makes the plot more easier. Hope you enjoy it!

I was quietly reading a book when there was a knock on my door. I looked up yelling,

"Come in!" I saw my mom appear in my doorway.

"Susie honey, there's a Brandon here for you." What? Why would my crush Brandon be here for me? I quickly changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a nice pink flowing top. I can't go down in sweatpants and tank top can I? I walked down my stairs and into the little entry way by the door to see Brandon on his phone. I tapped his shoulder lightly.

"Hey Brandon!" I greeted.

"Hey Susie!" He replied back with a sweet smile. I just about died. "Are you busy?" He asked shyly. Usually he's not like this.

"Nope! Why?" I asked.

"Wanna hang out for the rest of the day?" He asked me.

"Sure!" He smiled kindly at me, which i returned. I slipped on a pair of converse and grabbed my clutch purse making sure i had everything.

"Mom! I'll be back later!" I yelled before walking out of my house behind Brandon.


Brandon and I were walking down the street in deep conversation, when someone bumped into me.

"Hey watch where your going!" Brandon accused. I looked up to see Justin. He was attractive, really attractive, but i don't talk to him much, so i can't say that i could have a crush on him.

"Why don't you watch where your going dumbass!" Justin stated getting in Brandon's face.

"You bumped into her smart one." He replied. "Now, why don't you take your little self and leave me and Susie to our date will yeah?' This is a date? Well he did take me for a late lunch and then to the movies.

"I don't recall her being your girlriend though? And look she's confused. Obviously she didn't know this was a date." Justin stated, before looking down at me. "Did he mention this was a date to you miss lady?" He asked me. I shook my head no. "See? for all i know you guys could just be hanging out." Justin stated like he just won the conversation.

"What ever. Let's go Susie." Brandon said grabbing my hand gently and pulling me around Justin.

"I'm not done with you. Clearly we both like Susie here. So i challenge you to a contest. You finish your date with her today, then tomorrow i'll take her on one and she can choose who she wants to be with." He stated.

"I never had any say in this!" I stated.

"Well then? Who do you want to be with?" Justin asked. I looked at Brandon. He had emerald green eyes, with dark brown hair that sweeped over his eyes ever so lighty. He had a lip piercing making him look incredibly hot. Justin had sweet brown eyes and light brown hair that he fringed up. But he was also attractive.

"Um... I don't know..." i trailed off.

"Exactly. See you at seven tomorrow shawty." Justin said before walking off. I looked at Brandon to see him a little hurt.

"Ready Susie?" He asked me forgetting what just happened.

"For what?"

"You'll see." He stated before we continued walking down the streets.

Soon we came to a local animal shelter.

"I was thinking that we could do some help here. Is that okay?" I nodded, he smiled at me before we got to work.

*The Next day*

I looked at the clock seeing it being 5:30. I better go start getting ready. What do i wear though? He never told me what we would be doing. I looked through my closet picking out one of my favourite dresses. It was tight at the top and then flowly at the bottom and it went right above my knee caps. I always loved it, and it took me months to save up for it. I looked in the mirror examining how the purple dress hugged my curves perfectly. I then looked back up to see my best friend Kaylee.

"Wow! Someone looks hot!" She exclaimed! I qucikly covered her mouth.

"Shh! You don't want Christian hearing you! He'll make me change!" She nodded.

"So, who's the lucky dude?" She asked.

"Justin." i told her passing her my make up kit. She's working on being a make up artist, so she always does it for me.

"Really? What about Brandon?"

"He took me on a date yesterday, and we bumped into Justin remember? I told you this already!"

"You never told me you had a date with him! Fish" I sucked my cheeks in making a fish face as she brushed the foundation on.

"You never asked." I simply told her. She huffed before doing my eyes. About 5 minutes later i looked in the mirror at my reflection.

"Kay! You did amazing!" I said hugging her. She had also done my hair by putting it in a bump at the top and then having it down. i love this girl.

"it was no problem." I smiled at her before looking at the clock. 7:04. As if on cue my brother knocked on my door.

"Hey Susie! Justin's here." He told me. I nodded stepping out of my room and walking down the stairs. "Susie you can't go in that!"

"It's too late now Chris. Just let her go." I heard Kaylee say. I then heard a chrous of giggles. I knew there was something going on with them!


"So Justin, where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere..." He trailed off. I sighed. I've been asking him this question since he picked me up. Soon we arrived at the beach. He pulled me towards the shore where a blanket and a basket lay. "I was thinking maybe a picnic?" He asked.

"Sure!" He smiled widely before we both sat down. Soon we were in deep conversation.

*45 minutes later*

"C'mon Susie!" Justin said offering his hand.

"Where are we going now?" I asked accepting it.

"Just a walk." I nodded. We walked along the cool shore, our hands intwined. Justin is a really sweet guy, once you get him to open up.

"Hey Susie?"

"Hmm?" I answered turning to look him in the eye. They were a brown, but they had little specks of hazel. I could get lost in them.

"I've been having a really good time with you, and can I try something?" I nodded. "Close your eyes." I did as I was told and soon I felt a pair of soft yet rough lips on mine. I was shocked at first but then I finally came to my senses and kissed him back.

I went to sleep happy that night.


"Wake up babe! It's our 6 months anniversary!" Justin stated. I opened my eyes to see him standing there with pancakes and orange juice.

"Aww thanks boo! Happy 6th months!"

"Happy anniversary Susie!" He said before I felt those all too welcoming lips on mine.


Hello lovelys! I hope you liked this one shot Susie! It took me a while to think of an idea, but I did! :D

Don't forget to read my new story with my best friend Zeynep!

Dangerous? Yes! Regret It? No!

Follow my twitter: JorJor56


Stay awesome! <3 ~Jori

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