Mollie and Justin Bieber

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Hey Mollie! Super sorry this is like months after you requested it! Hopefully you still like it!

Sorry if there's mistakes, didn't have time to edit!


It's amazing how one little encounter can change everything. Just one word spoken can change everything. One person can change everything.

Being a model can be hard. But being a single mom, who is also a model is harder. I do what I can for my little boy. Because he's a blessing. But someone to help me out, would be another.

I walked into the daycare I trusted dearly, smiling at the worker.

"Oh you're here early Mollie." The care taker, Lisa stated.

"Yeah. I got off work early, so I came to come pick up Tyler early." She nodded.

"Okay! I'll go get Tyler." She said kindly as she walked into the mapping area.

I waited before seeing my 2 year old son being carried out in her arms. He was still sleeping soundly in her arms.

"Thank you Lisa." I smiled taking little Tyler into my own hands.

"It's really no problem Mollie. We love taking care of him. You know that."

"I just can't thank you enough. Um, I don't have to work for the next few days, so I won't be dropping him off for a little bit." I told her as I grabbed his bag, and his teddy bear. She nodded, as the phone started ringing. I gave her a quick nod, signalling that I was leaving.

She silently waved with a smile as I walked out. With my baby boy in my arms.

"Mama?" I heard a tiny a voice say. I smiled pulling my son away from my shoulders so I could see him.

"Hey buddy."

"Yay! You're early today!" He said hugging me. I laughed hugging him back.

"Mommy doesn't have to work for a few days. So it's just gonna be us for a few days, okay buddy?"

"Okay mommy." He stated rubbing his eyes as I placed him in his car seat.

"Go back to sleep baby. Mommy will be here when you wake up." I said kissing the top of his head. We had a long ride ahead of us.

I shut his door before moving towards mine and starting the car. I buckled up my seatbelt hearing a 'Click!' noise before putting the gear into drive and drove out of the daycare parking lot and onto the main road. I really hated going to see my mother. She always got on my back about how being a model isn't a good career. Or how I never should of been with Tyler's father or none of this would of happened to me. But Tyler is my life, and it's such a blessing to have him in mine.

You think she would of been appreciative or supportive for me, or at least Tyler. I've asked her to help me out a few times, but she always just told me, I've got my self into the problem, I have to solve it myself. I don't understand why she thinks Tyler is a problem.

He's a blessing.

And since she doesn't see that, that's the reason she only sees him once or twice a month.

She always complains that she doesn't see him enough. But with my career it's hard to find time to go visit her all the way up in Stratford.

I drove out onto the highway, heading north towards Stratford. My hometown. I moved to the city as soon as I graduated high school, wanting to get away from the little town. I never really fit in. I always dreamt big. I remember ever since I was young, I wanted to so something different. I never really wanted to be a doctor or a teacher. I wanted to be something totally different and special.

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