49---Be True---

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Today's the day...Today's the day...AHHHHHHHH! Philip was pacing around his small apartment.  He got so many jobs to buy this ring... now he has to actually ask the girl of his dreams to be his forever. But not before asking her father for permission, which might be just as scary as actually asking Ellie for her hand.

Philip knows Evan fairly well at this point but he is still Ellie's father, and Philip is the boy about to ask to be the husband of his baby girl.

"Just breathe, Philip! It's fine...it's totally 100% fine"! Philip

A knock on the door took Philip's attention away from his meltdown. He opened it to see his own father and mother there.

"Hey"! Philip greeted like normal

"Son, are you okay"? Alexander asked

Philip forced a smile on his face and nodded, pushing away the feeling in his chest.

"Because you just yelled at yourself" Alexander stated somewhat chuckling

"I'm fine...just stressed, ya know"?

"Ya know? Okay what's wrong with you"? Eliza squinted in confusion

"What do you mean"?

"Honey, you're a poet....you never speak that way, unless your joking or lying".

Philip lowered his head in defeat. His mother knew him to well and it made him mad sometimes.

"I've just been thinking about somethings lately...".

"Well, what's going on"? Alex asked setting a comforting hand on his son's shoulder.

"I'm about to head over to ask Mr. Hansen for permission to marry Ellie". The words flew out as if they've been waiting a whole century to be heard.

Alexander and Eliza's faces lit up with joy.

"Oh honey! That's amazing"! Eliza said while pulling her son into a sweet embrace.

"I'm beyond nervous....what do I do? Like, Dad...how did you do it"?

The parents giggle at his nervousness and questions. Alexander smiled wide and said only a few words.

"Show her your love".

"My love"?

"Show her you will do anything for her, make sure she knows you will be there as her rock, her superhero. That's all you have to do".

Philip nodded slightly and then pulled the ring from his pocket. Both Alex and Eliza gasped at the diamond ring in their son's hand.

"That's such a gorgeous ring, Philip"! Eliza gushed

"Thanks,Mom. I hope Ellie likes it".

After a quick conversation with his parents, Philip headed to the Hansen's house. On the ride over he kept saying over and over what he planned on saying to Evan.

"Hello sir, it is I"!
"It is I? What the hell Philip! I know your a poet but have some basic Communication skills"! He scolded himself

"Hello Mr Hansen, I Philip Hamilton have come to Express my deep attachment to your daughter".
"Oh dear god, that makes me sound like a creeper. I'm sorry but if a boy knocked on my door and asked for my daughters hand in marriage that way...I'd throw him into the street afraid he was a stocker"!

"Hello, sir. I know I've stopped by without giving a warning...".
"Okay now that one makes it seem like he needs to fear me".

Philip ran out of time, before he knew it, he was standing on the Hansen's front porch. He knocked nervously which caused the family dog Tahoe to bark immediately. The caused sweat to form around Philip's collar.

Eventually the door opened and Zoe stood there. Philip's body tightened up, he didn't consider he'd have to ask both of them! Just breathe, Philip.

"Philip? What are you doing here? Ellie isn't here, she's at her apartment". Zoe explained worried

"It's okay, I'm aware of that Mrs. Hansen. I'm actually here to talk to you and your husband". Philip tried to sound as professional as possible but it wasn't a secret he was scared out of his mind.

"Okay? I'll go get Evan then. Come on in"! Zoe said smiling

Philip took a deep breath and accepted her invitation to the inside of the house. Zoe was always someone Philip was nervous around, normally he could have a completely comfortable conversation with Evan, but never Zoe.

"Philip? Are you okay"? Evan asked entering the room

"Yes, sir! I was actually hoping I could ask you a question...".

Evan looked confused but nodded and allowed the man to speak.

"I would be an honor if you would allow me to marry Eleanor". He said bluntly because he knew he'd never be able to go through with it if he didn't just shoot.

Evan and Zoe's faces completely changed. They definitely were not expecting to hear that come from their daughters boyfriend of almost 6 years.

Philip himself wanted to hide after seeing them say nothing to his request. What were they thinking?! Say something...anything!

Evan eventually looked to Zoe and warm smiles appeared on their faces. Evan started his walk towards Philip. With one movement he shook hands with the boy.

"Be true". Evan said smiling

Philip's eyes widened in surprise and delight.

"Thank you so much, sir"!

"Call me Evan. You're going to be my son in law soon". Evan chuckled

"E-Evan...Thank you Evan".

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