26---Strummer's Crush--- Short...

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   It was Valentines Day at Strummer's school. Kids walked around the classroom dropping either homemade or store bought cards into each kids construction paper pouch. Each child got to take their pouch home to decorate it if they wished.

   Strummer's pouch was his favorite color, red. Zoe helped him draw music notes all over it, add stickers, and write in big bold letters "Strummer". Strum also bought a bunch of small cards that Evan picked up on his way home from work. They were animal themed, he had lions, tigers, penguins, sharks, fish and countless others.

   However, there was one Valentine he didn't buy at the store. He had made this one himself, he wanted this one to be special. He put "Happy Valentines Day"! Across the top and put

From: Strummer Hansen

To: Ethan Gallinher

   Strummers face burnt red as he slowly walked to Ethan's pouch. He was busy talking with the other boys so he knew he wouldn't see if he shyly slid the homemade card inside. Strum wanted Ethan to know he had written it, but didn't want to be around him when he read it.

   Strum had watched Ethan from a far and often wondered if he had ever noticed him back. If he did, what does he think of Strum? Does he think he's creepy? Does he think of Strum the same way? He may never know because they're is no way that Ethan was gay. Strummer was also scared of what people would think...

   No one knows, not even his family. He always talked about random girls in his class just so no one got suspicious. I mean, he did like the girls he had went out with... but he also liked the guys... he was aware of his Bisexual feelings but he just shoved them into his gut and avoided them as much as possible. The only thing is... with Ethan he can't hide his feelings. Everytime he comes near Ethan, Strum gets all nervous and can't think straight.

   Strum figured Valentines Day was the perfect time to tell Ethan, through a note, how he feels. It can either go perfect or it could fail horribly. Only time will tell.

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