6---Emily and Oakley---

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  A little short but...still cute! 

The house was warm and cozy on the late November night. Snow fell softly down outside. Oakley was working on a blue print for his race car.

   He tapped his pencil on the desk trying to come up with a new idea. He has 2 weeks before his next race and he needs to figure out what went wrong.

"Babe, are you going to eat dinner soon"? Emily asked ducking her head into the office

"Yeah, just can't think". Oakley dismissed

    Oakley rested his head on his arm in an attempt to clear his mind. Emily walked to her husband and rested her head gently on his shoulder. He smiled up at her

"Are the twins asleep"?

"Yeah, finally. They are really grumpy without Daddy saying goodnight to them".

Anna and Malachi, 6 year old twins. He wanted to see them more but he travelled so he couldn't. He was racing almost every week multiple times.

Emily pulled the pencil from Oakley's hand. He looked into her blue eyes. She had enough of seeing him be bogged down by work all the time.

"Baby, just breathe. You don't have to finish that tonight". Emily reminded. "Here, maybe this will make you feel better"! Emily pulled put a t-shirt from the office drawer.

"Oh my gosh.... we still have that"? Oakley gasped

When Oakley and Emily got engaged, Strummer ordered everyone in the family there own Oakemily shirts. Everyone would wear them from time to time.

"Haha, my brother is so crazy".

"Well is that a surprise? He's your brother after all". Emily joked

"It's amazing.. he's on Broadway. My little brother is on Broadway". Oakley smiled wide

Emily grinned before snuggling into her husband.

"I love you, Emmy".

"You better, Oatie"!

"Oatie?! How did you know about that nickname"?!

"Your dad".


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