7---The Real Proposal---

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     No one knows the truth except Evan and Zoe. They didn't tell because they were ashamed of it but because it wasn't normal. When something isn't normal, people judge.

    Something so precious and unforgettable shouldn't be challenged by others opinions. Evan and Zoe made a story, a fake story to their proposal. Something simple, special but not overly detailed or different to what would be expected.

     Evan took Zoe to the music museum, they snuck up to the roof, Evan asked and Zoe said yes. It was sweet but believable. However, that's not how it went down.

     Evan went down on one knee on the music museums roof. Evan's eyes were full of hope and excitement. He had spent months planning how he would do this and what he would say.

    Zoe's reaction was full of shock and surprise but something in her heart pinged. She bit her tongue, closed her eyes tightly and shook her head no. She couldn't, not now.

   Evan's smile dropped. He closed the ring box and put it back into his jacket pocket. The hurt and embarrassment ached inside of the man's head and heart.

     There was something Evan didn't know though. It wasn't that Zoe didn't love Evan, and it wasn't that Zoe didn't want to marry Evan. Zoe had been saving for years, she had taken odd and end jobs, she was working at as a waitress for almost 2 years at this point.

     The payment had finally been made. She had the ring almost in her possession, Evan just asked first. She couldn't go back now with the ring purchase. Evan had gotten that ring years ago before he even was with Zoe.

    The night after was the worst. Evan stayed silent and he was more shy around her then he had been since high-school. It broke Zoe's heart. Was she being selfish? Did she make the wrong choice? When she finally asked him would he turn her down?

    This wasn't something Zoe wanted to think about. She just needed to do it. Zoe was done with sitting on this. The longer she waited, the worse the silence was for her and her true love.

    She was ready to be bounded to Evan forever. Zoe was ready to be called Mrs. Hansen. She was ready to walk down the aisle wearing a beautiful white gown. She couldn't wait to look up and see that same man who made her whole. She wanted to have her father walk her down to her future.

    Zoe tells herself she's ready so why is she waiting? She can't wait anymore. She doesn't want it to be in a public place to cause attention, she knows Evan wouldn't want that too. It was exactly the reason Evan had chosen the roof in his proposal.

   Evan had been standing in the kitchen making a sandwich when Zoe walked up behind him and went down on one knee. She held her breath as Evan turned to see her there.

"Z-Zoe"? Evan gasped backing up against the counter

"I'm so sorry I didn't say yes when you asked... I couldn't... I couldn't because I had already planned to ask you. I saved up for years to ask you this one question. Evan, I'm ready to be by your side forever, I'm ready to be called your wife and you my husband. I want to be Mrs Hansen.... so Evan Hansen, will you marry me"?

"Yes! Of course, baby girl"!

The two embraced and held each other in their arms.

"I love you". Evan whispered

"I love you more, I can't wait for it to be only us".


   Zoe had been feeling really sick lately. She didn't want to even get out of bed. This wasn't a normal thing for her, she was always up before Evan. Now, it's a struggle for her to even move.

    It was a immediate choice made my Zoe. Evan picked up some tests from store that day. Zoe's heart was beating so fast that she felt like it might just bounce from her chest.

    The two minutes lasted forever. She tapped her foot in anticipation while she waited for those two lines to appear, or not. Sitting on the toilet, she kept her hand steady while watching the test.

    Then it appeared... two red lines. She almost dropped the test on the floor. She started to inevitable stream of tears. She gathered herself and returned to Evan who waited outside pacing.

Zoe couldn't say anything. She just nodded while wiping the tears from her eyes. Evan hugged Zoe tightly and then bent down to her stomach.

"Hey, baby.... Daddy can't wait to meet you". Evan cooed


    Because of the sudden pregnancy, Zoe and Evan wanted to get married before the child was born. They pushed the wedding date closer and within 5 months, they were Evan and Zoe Hansen...

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